So, for a while now I've been looking for Aegis (or SotW) with dual reduction mods (-2wS and -2wE), with no sucess so far, so it's time to create this thread, so one of the collectors may let go off it. So if anyone has q7 sotw or q8 one (i'm sure q8 exists, not sure about q7 though, so correct me if i'm wrong please), please whisper me in game, or send me a link to your thread where you may possibly sell it.
Riel Pew Pew
WTB dual reduction q7 sotw/aegis
You should have come straight to me
As it happens, I have (I think) a duplicate r8 dual reduction Aegis. I'll double check tonight when I get home this evening. As its a duplicate from my collection, it's available for the right price.
These are the only two dual reduction r8 aegis that we know about, so I'd be interested to see what you'd value them at. I'm not aware of a r7 aegis.
R7 SoTW certainly exist. I used to own three. There are two others around apart from the one I have left.