Closed: 10/10 oldschool and a few others
teh bestest is here
hype doesnt affect price for shadow blade too much imo... would guess 15-20e tho
holy staff ~100e
zodiac ~75-100e. dam rare but 2off sucks (would still rate it higher than 10/9 since it at least both mods suck the same way^^)
bone ~100-150e
jade dags ~150e imo
holy staff ~100e
zodiac ~75-100e. dam rare but 2off sucks (would still rate it higher than 10/9 since it at least both mods suck the same way^^)
bone ~100-150e
jade dags ~150e imo
Enchanted Krystal
Holy staff 40e
Zodiac 40-50e
Bone 40-50e
Meh prenerf havent sold well in past year
Vizi has ton staffs like these with zero intrest
jade dags i bought pair like that for 120e few weeks back
100-150e imo what theyre worth
Zodiac 40-50e
Bone 40-50e
Meh prenerf havent sold well in past year
Vizi has ton staffs like these with zero intrest
jade dags i bought pair like that for 120e few weeks back
100-150e imo what theyre worth