Hi wanna sell some items
Clockwork Scythe Q12 SOLD
Os Summit warlord Q12tac -2e +27 SOLD
Os Skeleton shield Q12tac +10vs light +30 SOLD
Os Mursaat Hammer Q9 15/-10
Os White Reaver Q10 15/-10
Os Holy rod Q10 DF 20hr prot/10%
Os Raven Staff Q9 20/10 Smiting
Os Celestial Staff Q11DF 20/19 Prot
added Os Q9 +5nrj Long sword
added inscr Q8 15/21(NOT MAX) Blue fiery gladius
added Os Q9 +5nrj Wicked Blade
added Os Q9 Wooden Buckler -3hex +10vsblunt dmg
IG : Bourri Quet
Sb = 2e On all thanks
Closed: Wts Clockwork Scythe - Os things
The Back
Os Summit warlord Q12tac -2e +27 - 5e
Os Skeleton shield Q12tac +10vs light +30 -5e
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
Os Skeleton shield Q12tac +10vs light +30 -5e
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
Tire Town Tuff
Sws 10e............
sb on clockwork
ign: kelady the undead
ign: kelady the undead
Os Raven Staff Q9 20/10 Smiting - 3e
Os Raven Staff Q9 20/10 Smiting - 10e
IGN: Nebula Q
IGN: Nebula Q
Ranger Scum
5e on clockwork
ign: i ranger scum i
ign: i ranger scum i