Os shields and other stuff
Unexpected Oni
This is my stuff. Rights and stuff.
Not all of these are going to sell. I am not in a hurry to sell.
OS Shields
mods are as they appear on shield.
q9 tac Ornate Buckler +10 v Demons -2wE c/o: 750e konschu b/o: 2000e
q13 tac Echovald +10 v Cold +30
q12 str Echovald -2wE +30 C/o: 55e Raining Ecto
q9 tac Echovald +10 v Demons
q12 tac Amber Aegis +10 v Fire -2wE
q9 str Amber Aegis -2wE Healing Prayers +1 (20%) c/o: 150e OS T
q9 tac Gothic Defender +10 v Lightning +42wE
q10 tac Gothic Defender +10 v Piercing +43wS
SoOsc shield?
q9 str Gloom Shield +10 v Undead reduce blind -20%
OS Staff
r9 water magic 40/20 +20% enchanting (core skin)
r12 earth magic 40/20 +20% enchanting (core skin)
Bow Mods (6k if you want a caster bow, one of both)
Bow ench 5k/ea x9
Bow vamp 3k/ea x5
Ele tomes 200g each
Lunars 30e/ea
20/20 wands 2e/ea x4
EL crate fireworks
Primeval Armour Remnants 1e/ea x210
Not all of these are going to sell. I am not in a hurry to sell.
OS Shields
mods are as they appear on shield.
q9 tac Ornate Buckler +10 v Demons -2wE c/o: 750e konschu b/o: 2000e
q13 tac Echovald +10 v Cold +30
q12 str Echovald -2wE +30 C/o: 55e Raining Ecto
q9 tac Echovald +10 v Demons
q12 tac Amber Aegis +10 v Fire -2wE
q9 str Amber Aegis -2wE Healing Prayers +1 (20%) c/o: 150e OS T
q9 tac Gothic Defender +10 v Lightning +42wE
q10 tac Gothic Defender +10 v Piercing +43wS
SoOsc shield?
q9 str Gloom Shield +10 v Undead reduce blind -20%
OS Staff
r9 water magic 40/20 +20% enchanting (core skin)
r12 earth magic 40/20 +20% enchanting (core skin)
Bow Mods (6k if you want a caster bow, one of both)
Bow ench 5k/ea x9
Bow vamp 3k/ea x5
Ele tomes 200g each
Lunars 30e/ea
20/20 wands 2e/ea x4
EL crate fireworks
Primeval Armour Remnants 1e/ea x210
Coffee Man
q9 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 - 100e
IGN --> Azeral Styx
IGN --> Azeral Styx
q9 str -2wE Healing Prayers +1 (20%
what skin is it?
what skin is it?
q9 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 250e.........
teh bestest is here
400e amber 30 -5
q9 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 425e
Hypnotic Hannah
Hypnotic Hannah
teh bestest is here
750e q9 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30
q9 tac Amber Aegis -5/20% +30 525e
ursan ftw
q9 tac Gothic Defender reduce cripple -20% +10 v Demons 20e
Rushin Roulette
q9 tac Gothic Defender reduce cripple -20% +10 v Demons
40e for this one please.
ign. Deathly Spirited
40e for this one please.
ign. Deathly Spirited
40e q12str Echo
750e on q9 tac Ornate Buckler +10 v Demons -2wE
ursan ftw
q9 tac Gothic Defender reduce cripple -20% +10 v Demons 50e
Unexpected Oni
Be-bumpity bump.
Rushin Roulette
q9 tac Gothic Defender reduce cripple -20% +10 v Demons
60e please
ign. Deathly Spirited
60e please
ign. Deathly Spirited
ursan ftw
q9 tac Gothic Defender reduce cripple -20% +10 v Demons 70e....
Unexpected Oni
post up my bring
Unexpected Oni
Selling everything that got offered on.
Selling everything that got offered on.
Raining Ecto
q12 str Echovald -2wE +30 ----55e
Raining Ecto
Raining Ecto
Dr T on the rocks
35e on
q13 tac Echovald +10 v Cold +30
Ing: Die Knowing
q13 tac Echovald +10 v Cold +30
Ing: Die Knowing
10e on q12 amber +10fire
ign : Lila Flowers
ign : Lila Flowers