Hey everyone! Just came back to the game and wanting to clear out a couple of things from my storage.
Just leave a reasonable offer and ign if interested ( im not going to be too picky with the prices ) and I'll get back to you in game
Weapons ( all gold max unless stated otherwise )
celestial compass q11 energy storage inscr
wooden chakram q13 inscr
mursaat hammer q13 uninscr +15 while enchanted
mursaat hammer q11 inscr
eldritch maul ( green )
forgotten hammer ( green )
maul of the kinslayer ( green )
Dwarven axe q9 inscr
dragoncrest axe inscr
white reaver q10 uninscr +5energy SOLD
plagueborn sword q13 uninscr +15 in stance
fellblade q11 inscr
fellblade q12 inscr
flamberge q9 inscr
balthazar's sword q9 inscr
fiery dragon sword q10 insc
murakai's blade ( green )
summit warlord shield q9 tactics inscr
skeleton shield q9 tactics inscr
shield of the line q9 strength inscr
equine aegis q11 command inscr
astral staff q13 divine inscr
astral staff q11 energy inscr
hypnotic staff q10 illusion inscri
Ilsundur's staff ( green )
Dragon spire staff q13 inspiratin insc
black dye x2
white dye x4
stack of glacial stones
map sets
forget me not 19% x2
hale and hearty +5e^50 x2
guided by fate +15 w/enchanted x2
run for your life -2 in stance x5
armor + 10 blunt
armor + 10 piercing
armor +10 fire
strength and honor +15^50 x5
axe +30 hp x2,
axe 20% enchant
axe 20/20
axe 10% adrenaline x2
hammer+30 hp
dagger +30hp
zealous dagger tang
dagger 20% enchant
sword 20% enchant
insightful staff head +5e
wand wrap of memory 20%
silencing bowstring
Storage clearout!
white reaver q10 uninscr +5energy - 3e