OS sunder mods - weird random OS items




Join Date: Dec 2005

Nunya Bizness

pupu / SLAP


Trying to figure out prices on all the sundering mods.

10/10 axe
10/9 axe

10/10 sword
10/9 sword

10/10 hammer

10/9 bow

R8 14 vs Hex Dead Bow

R8 14 -10 Long Sword

R8 14 -5 Runic Hammer

R8 14^50 Long sword

R8 14^50 Butterfly sword

R8 14^50 Brute Sword

OS R9 Aegis 29hp -2 Stance

R10 Fire Dead Staff skin - 10/9



WTB q8 15^50 Weapons!

Join Date: Nov 2006

???oo ???ugs ???lan [?????????]

10/10 axe 100-125e
10/9 axe 75e

10/10 sword 10e @haha yeah i know that i made thevthread even about that they drop just mis read xD
10/9 sword 75e

10/10 hammer 100e

10/9 bow Woo has tried get 20-25e ea for hes nonnmax sunders for months so guess around there max

R8 14 vs Hex Dead Bow 20e

R8 14 -10 Long Sword 10e

R8 14 -5 Runic Hammer 5-10ee

R8 14^50 Long sword 20-30e

R8 14^50 Butterfly sword 20e

R8 14^50 Brute Sword 30-50e

OS R9 Aegis 29hp -2 Stance 10e

R10 Fire Dead Staff skin - 10/9 30-70e

Ham Rock

Ham Rock

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2009

the Netherlands



uhm, 10/10 sundering mods for swords are still obtainable. I sold a lot of these in the last few months for 10e each. Here is how you get them:

"Step one!

First you Head to Ascalon City, and talk to the NPC "Captain Arne" He will give you the quest "Barradin's Advance". This quest is just a 2~ Minute run to The Breach. DONE

Step two!
Go back to Captain Arne and get the quest "Fires in the East". To do this quest you teleport/run to The Frontier Gate, and then head outside, following the quest marker. Kill a few Fire Shamans and you are Done!.
Head Back to Ascalon City and claim your reward".

Got this from Olle's thread.