I'd like some price checks on the following items
1. Shinobi Blade Q9 Inscr.
2. Celestial Shield Q9 Tacts Inscr.
3. Iridescent Aegis Q9/10 Tacts Insrc.
4. Kappa Shield Q9 Tacts Inscr.
5. GotH Q12 Tacts Inscr.
6.Eternal Shield Q10 Strength Inscr.
7. Emblazoned Defender Q12 Strength Inscr.
8. Gazing Scythe Q9
9. Razorclaw Scythe Q10
10. Ancient Scythe Q10
11. Dragon Staff Q13 Fire 20/9 Uninsrc
12. Unded Bone Dragon
13. Unded White Rabbit
14. Unded Black Beast of Arrrrghhh
15. Unded Prince Rurik
I know there's a global topic for minis, but it seems a bit old, so I prefer asking