Need to clear out my storage... I know its mostly low end stuff but maybe I got something you seek but noone is selling it bc its not worthy nowadays in their eyes
All Items are max dmg and gold if not stated otherwise
So have a look, I will add some items now and then
Q9 Battlepick, 15^50 C/O: sold
Q9 Cleaver, 15^50
Q9 Cleaver (Canthan), +15/-5E
Q9 Double-bladed Axe, 15^stance
Q9 Gothic Axe, 15^50
Q9 Hand Axe, Inscr.
Q9 Hand Axe, +15^stance
Q9 Zodiac Axe, Insc. (x 2)
Q10 Battle Axe, +5E
Q11 Celestial Axe, 15^50
Q13 Stygian Reaver, Insc.
Wintergreen Axe
Murakais Reaver
Q9 Shortbow, +5E
Q11 Celestial Longbow, 15^50
Q9 Chronium Shards, +5E
Q9 Dragon Kamas, Insc.
Q9 Korambits, +5E
Q9 Platinum Sickles, Inscr.
Q10 Golden Talons, 15^stance
Q10 Kurkis, +5E
Ungues Of The Forgotten
Q9 Celestial Compass, Spawning Power
Q10 Celestial Compass, Communing
Q12 Celestial Compass, Inspiration Magic
Q12 Pronged Fan, Divine Favor, Inscr.
Q13 Celestial Compass, Curses
Q13 Celestial Compass, Death Magic
Q13 Celestial Compass, Energy Storage
Q13 Frost Artifact, +5A^attacking/20% Water C/O: sold
Q9 Celestial Hammer, 15^ench
Q9 Clouded Maul, 15^stance
Q10 Bludgeoner, 15^50
250 Cupcakes (x 2)
everl Dunkoro Tonic
everl Morgahn Tonic
everl Pyre Fireshot Tonic
everl Vekk Tonic
everl Zenmai Tonic
unded Burning Titan
unded Candysmith Marley
unded Dagnar
unded Elf
unded Flowstone Elemental
unded Gwen
unded Jora
unded Jungle Troll
unded Koss
unded MOX
unded Ooze
unded Roaring Ether
unded Scourge Manta
unded Water Djinn (x 2)
unded Zhu Hanaku
Wrappings (1e/ea)
Death Magic
Divine Favor
Healing Prayers
Portection Prayers (x 2)
Smiting Prayers (x 2)
Water Magic
Q9 Air Wand, HSR 10%/+5E^50%
Q9 Amber Wand, Air Magic, +5E>50%/HCT 10%
Q9 Celestial Sceper, Blood Magic, HSR 9%/HCT 10%
Q9 Fire Wand, HCT 10%/ 20% Fire
Q9 Koi Scepter, Air Magic, +5E>50%/HSR 10%
Q9 Koi Scepter, Curses, +5E^hex/HCT 10%
Q9 Koi Scepter, Domination Magic, HCT 10%/HSR 9% C/O: sold
Q10 Amber Wand, Smiting Prayers, +5E>50%/HCT 10%
Q10 Smiting Rod, HCT 10%/+5E>50%
Q11 Channeling Rod, 10/10
Wintergreen Scythe C/O: 5e
Q0/8 Armor, Heralic Shield, purple, inscr.
Q9 Adamantine Shield, Tactics, inscr.
Q9 Aureate Aegis, Motivation, inscr.
Q9 Celestial Shield, Tactics, inscr. C/O: sold
Q9 Celestial Shield, Tactics, -2^stance/-20% bleeding C/O: sold
Q9 Crude Shield, Tactics, inscr. C/O: sold
Q9 Gothic Defender, Tactics, +10vsEarth/-3^hex
Q9 Oaken Aegis, Strength, inscr. C/O: sold
Q9 Wodden Buckler, Tactics, -2^stance/+10vsDemons C/O: sold ingame
Q9 Plagueborn Shield, Tactics, -3^hex/+45^stance C/O: sold
Q10 Aureate Aegis, Command, inscr. (x 2)
Q10 Celestial Shield, Strength, inscr. (x 2)
Q10 Oaken Aegis, Tactics, inscr.
Q11 Bladed Shields, Tactics, +9 vs Ogre/+28HP
Q11 Celestial Shield, Strength, +29/-2^stance
Q11 Guardian of the Hunt, Strength, Inscr.
Q11 Tall Shield, Tactics, +10vsDragons/+44^ench
Q11 Wodden Buckler, Tactics, +29/-5^19%
Q12 Amethyst Aegis, Command, inscr. C/O: 1e Zushix
Q12 Embossed Aegis, Tactics, -2^stance/30 C/O: 10e trademeimfamous
Q12 Sharktooth Shield, Tactics, inscr.
Q12 Zodiac Shield, Tactics, Inscr.
Q13 Celestial Shield, Tactics, -2^stance/Death Magic +1/20% C/O: sold
Q13 Eternal Shield, Motivation, inscr.
Q8 Broadhead Spear, 14-26, blue, inscr. C/O: 3e trademeimfamous
Q9 Bo Staff, Curses, 20/10
Q9 Celestial Staff, Fire Magic, 20/10 C/O: sold
Q9 Celestial Staff, Illusion Magic, 20/10 C/O: sold
Q9 Channeling Staff, inscr.
Q9 Cockatrice Staff, Air Magic, 20/10
Q9 Cockatrice Staff, Domination Magic, 20/10
Q9 Cockatrice Staff, Illusion Magic, 20/10
Q9 Dolyak-Prod-Staff, inscr.
Q9 Fire Staff (Lantern), inscr.
Q9 Platinum Staff, Divine Favor, inscr.
Q9 Platinum Staff, Channeling Magic, 20/10
Q9 Smiting Staff, 20/20 Smiting
Q10 Bo-Staff, Illusion Magic, 20/10
Q10 Bone Staff, 20/20 Death Magic
Q10 Celestial Staff, Channeling Magic, 20/10
Q10 Dragon Staff, Smiting Prayers, 20/10
Q10 Ghostly Staff, Divine Favor, inscr.
Q10 Ghostly Staff, Earth Magic, 20/10
Q10 Outcast Staff, Divine Favor, 20/20 Healing Prayers
Q10 Plagueborn Staff, Domination Magic, 20/10
Q10 Platinum Staff, Earth Magic, 20/10
Q11 Bo Staff, Curses, 20/10
Q11 Celestial Staff, Communing, 20/10
Q11 Dragon Staff, Divine Favor, 20/10
Q11 Platinum Staff, Earth Magic, 20/10
Q12 Amber Staff, Illusion Magic, 20/20 Illusion C/O: sold
Q12 Dragon Staff, Earth Magic, 20/10
Q13 Dragon Staff, Spawning Power, 20/10
Xun Rao's Justice
Q9 Celestial Sword, 15^50 C/O: sold ingame
Q9 Emerald Edge, inscr.
Q9 Katana, clean (OS)
Q9 Shining Gladius, inscr.
Q10 Broad Sword, inscr.
Q12 Broadsword, 15^50