Hello everyone, I am looking for a PC on:
Core-Skin Shield q9-13
Kurz Skin q9-13
Armor +9 vs Demons
Received Physical Damage -2/enchanted
Just looking to purchase one of these shields, and not sure of the price if I find a one-off.
Closed: +9 Demons Shields
Altair Renault
+9vD -2wE kurz skins such as gothic/echo Ive seen go for up to 50e, give or take.
ursan ftw
5-10e. Useless shield for doa. Maybe for jadoth until a 10/-2 pops up. I still dont understand the 10/-2 demons hype. Maybe its people who dont tank who buy them

Yeah, 10/-2 can be use at jadoth but everywhere else it's better to have hp one's, i would automatically sell at merch a q12-13 +9 demons -2w/e or -2w/s