A way to save a list of all our Subscribed Threads?


Badly Influenced

Join Date: Dec 2005

Buying Humps! (No kidding! Check my buy thread)

Hello Kitty Krewe [HKK] Forever!-ish

Hi Guru!

Very sad to learn you're shutting down, but thankfully, Stuey managed to find me and let me know in time to try to save as much as I can!

Guru was a huge part of GW for me for so many years. The influences, information, and laughs I found from members of this community got me exponentially more enjoyment than GW, alone, ever could have (a massive game in its own right.) I haven't had time to get back into it for years due to irl issues, but it would be great to keep what breadcrumbs I left myself knowing I always came back sooner or later.

I've figured out how to save all my PMs, over 1200 (and that was with trying to keep it "uncluttered" and sorted into subfolders while I was active, yikes!) via those handy links in the lower right corner of the PM screen under "Download all Private Messages as:"

Is there a similarly all-at-once way to save a list of all my subscribed threads? I have a few hundred, similarly sorted into subfolders here. If need be, I'll try to save bookmarks of them, one by one. I'm hoping there's a faster, bulk option like you left us for PMs instead of saving those in selected batches with the pulldown. *fingers crossed*

Thanks for any help in advance, and my thanks to the all the staff who kept this place running for this community over so many years! +1 internet points to every last one of you!


Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

If there is, I can't see one. However, there may be alternatives to saving each link individually. People have mentioned applications which can save web pages, such as HTTrack, though I haven't used any so I can't vouch for the usefulness of them. It's also likely that you'd be able to do it by parsing the raw html, though you'd need the right know-how (unless just saving the page will work as-is).

Marty Silverblade

Marty Silverblade


Join Date: Jun 2006

Luny was looking for a way to save the list of subscribed threads, not the threads themselves. While Guru will be archived, it is unlikely we'll be able to log in so anything requiring you to be logged in will become inaccessible.