First Person View
Numa Pompilius
I assume most people use buttcam-mode when they play, to get overview, but out of boredom I tried using first-person view, and wow, it's a different game! Battles are much more immersive & frantic. Of course, GW isn't made for first person view, but it makes me wish the game had been written for first person view to start with.
I'd like to hear how other people feel about first-person view vs third person view?
I'd like to hear how other people feel about first-person view vs third person view?
First person is no good mainly as you dont see anything you would normally see, such as hands, swords etc with real animations so it just looks stupid and when you use skills it just happens
i like first person for running/strategy, mainly on barrage rangers
Pevil Lihatuh
i hate first person in most games
Don't mind it in FPS like Halo, but i rarely play those anyway. In a role-playing game, I wanna see me! (kinda odd since I should be the character... lol)

I agree! First Person view is more exciting and intense!
I usually do that when running around in PvE,
I only use third person in PvP. Why? I won't let my opponents get the upperhand
I usually do that when running around in PvE,
I only use third person in PvP. Why? I won't let my opponents get the upperhand

I like the first person view as well. As it gets to be properly epic... I mean, a devourer looks HUGE! When you do first person views, you feels that what your character is doing is properly heroic...
A first person view is ultimately detrimental, since in GW, you need to keep track of other things besides whats immediately in front of you. Did the idiotic henchment just ran off after an AoE scatter to aggro more mobs? Did someone just cast a Well of Blood behind you? Is some monster chasing after your softies?
The radar is not quite enough to keep track of these things, so usually I had to settle for 3rd person view...
A first person view is ultimately detrimental, since in GW, you need to keep track of other things besides whats immediately in front of you. Did the idiotic henchment just ran off after an AoE scatter to aggro more mobs? Did someone just cast a Well of Blood behind you? Is some monster chasing after your softies?
The radar is not quite enough to keep track of these things, so usually I had to settle for 3rd person view...

Manic Smile
personally I hate first person view completely but I'm not apposed to having both options if it isn't to hard to implement
Lasher Dragon
The only time I like first-person view is when running/exploring, or when playing a warrior. Other than those times, I need to see what's going on on the battlefield.
^^ Its not hard to implement. We already have it.
King's Spectre
I only use FPV when I want to look *up*..
Nosaj Noshnoj
I use first person, but in a way that most probably don't. I hold crtl+Shift+h to remove everything on the screen, and then in 1st person i take screen shots. I have about 200, and in first person without any characters on the screen, they make great scenic wallpapers. If ayone else does this let me know, i'm always looking for more great screen shots.
IGN Nosaj The Cleanser
IGN Nosaj The Cleanser
Lord Scoopula
I play in First Person most of the time. It works ok.
I only use first person when in towns or maybe doing easy runs. In missions or farming I use third person.
Evil Hypnotist
Originally Posted by Nosaj Noshnoj
I use first person, but in a way that most probably don't. I hold crtl+Shift+h to remove everything on the screen, and then in 1st person i take screen shots. I have about 200, and in first person without any characters on the screen, they make great scenic wallpapers. If ayone else does this let me know, i'm always looking for more great screen shots.
IGN Nosaj The Cleanser |

Im always using third person for my games, unlike my brother who likes 1st person more, I need to see everthing thats going on around me. Although I haven't had any PvP experience I would imagine its even more important for that as it is for PvE.
GW isn't designed for 1st person so I guess thats why it doesnt seem very good. However, I saw a demo for a 1st person RPG a couple of months ago and that looked great. I think if the game is built around this kind of view then it has the potential to be very entertaining.
After looking at the ugly face of a grawl for the 100th time in one day, you start to appreciate the 3rd person view.

I had my "A" and "D" keys changed to strafe left and right just to feel more like a fps, but without a "jump" key it wont feel completely like it. Its a cool novelty mode when in a non-challenging area. You can go around killing things as if you really are the hero. Ever tried the fps mode while fighting the titans? They are COLOSSAL! If I was the hero i would've just frozed, dropped my sword and ran the other way while all my teamates shout "OMFG".
I prefer TPS in MMORPGs, but when I'm just sightseeing or feel like cranking up the surrealism on GW (or want a very intense combat scene), I go FPS.
in pvp sometimes i use almost first person , one clic on wheel away from it , then full back when needed ...
first person to run sometimes , im used to first person from other games , so i love it ...
for the person who is leading , full back is obvius the best option to see what all players are doing.
first person is the most personal view of the action.
first person to run sometimes , im used to first person from other games , so i love it ...
for the person who is leading , full back is obvius the best option to see what all players are doing.
first person is the most personal view of the action.
Maybe I'm being completely blind but is there a key for this mode? Or is it mousewheel zoom in? I can't really zoom in and out (no mousewheel on a trackball) sigh

Mousewheel all the way in = FPS
first person in guild wars is idiotic imo. i mean it just takes away from so much of the game. i've tried it before and i considered it terrible ever since then. i guess i can kinda see why u may like it but still, it ruins the feel of the game imo. also in first person u notice how everything doesn't look realisticly sized.
I'd like to use First Person more, but the bright pink flashes that happen everytime you get hit will probably give me seizures or something.
Third person is just better so you can see your surroundings more, like that Warrior bum rushing you from behind.

Third person is just better so you can see your surroundings more, like that Warrior bum rushing you from behind.

Third person.. gotta have the full view.
Originally Posted by sysfailur
Third person.. gotta have the full view.
Without mouse-look first persion view drives me nuts. That, and the flashes you get every single time you take damage, well, they give me headaches. Just try it with a tank and you'll see >_<
Da Immortal King
Originally Posted by Katari
Without mouse-look first persion view drives me nuts. That, and the flashes you get every single time you take damage, well, they give me headaches. Just try it with a tank and you'll see >_<
First person view is no good in my opinion. I only use it if I am too close to a wall or something.
The reason: you don't see enough. You have basically no peripheral vision as you would in real life. Of course you have the radar screen to help, but with first person view you lose the overview of what is also going on around you including what is sneaking up on you. Remember that in this game you are missing sound and feel (wind motions) which in real life would give you a hint of what is going on behind you.
What I really don't like about the camera, now that we are on the subject, is how your buttview is so limited when you are up against a wall or other kind of obstruction. It is extremely annoying that the camera tries to back up the wall leaving you with no forward vision of what is in front of you. It would be nice if the camera would not do this and let you virtually see through the wall or obstruction. Another irritation for me is the automatic rotation that the camera likes to make from time to time. Anyone know a control that lets me stop this? Its annoying when trying to back away from creatures or just repositioning, that the camera begins to turn. I have run into a lot of walls and even smack into the enemy because of this.
The reason: you don't see enough. You have basically no peripheral vision as you would in real life. Of course you have the radar screen to help, but with first person view you lose the overview of what is also going on around you including what is sneaking up on you. Remember that in this game you are missing sound and feel (wind motions) which in real life would give you a hint of what is going on behind you.
What I really don't like about the camera, now that we are on the subject, is how your buttview is so limited when you are up against a wall or other kind of obstruction. It is extremely annoying that the camera tries to back up the wall leaving you with no forward vision of what is in front of you. It would be nice if the camera would not do this and let you virtually see through the wall or obstruction. Another irritation for me is the automatic rotation that the camera likes to make from time to time. Anyone know a control that lets me stop this? Its annoying when trying to back away from creatures or just repositioning, that the camera begins to turn. I have run into a lot of walls and even smack into the enemy because of this.
I like third person best, I even wish the camera went out a little farther.

Numa Pompilius
Yeah, but the complaints here are mainly because GW is made to be played from third person view: it doesn't support first person view as well as a FPS does, e.g. you don't see your weapon, mouselook is shifty...
But that's just GWs present implementation, I mean 3rd vs 1st in a more general way.
Third person view gives good overview, meaning less confusion, but first person view gives immersion and added excitement, and personally I'd rather take immersion than the ability to see what's on the other side of the hill...
<sigh> I guess what I'd really like is a FPS guildwars: strictly first person view, you'd need to aim spells & arrows, and you'd have attack & defence moves.
But that's just GWs present implementation, I mean 3rd vs 1st in a more general way.
Third person view gives good overview, meaning less confusion, but first person view gives immersion and added excitement, and personally I'd rather take immersion than the ability to see what's on the other side of the hill...
<sigh> I guess what I'd really like is a FPS guildwars: strictly first person view, you'd need to aim spells & arrows, and you'd have attack & defence moves.