My first post. I've been playing Toontown for a few months now. In fact the wife and kids are now playing it so much I can't often get on, so I got myself a copy of Guild Wars at Christmas. I'm getting on OK, have just about got my head round the differences and similarities between the two games, and have got my Ranger/Mesmer up to Level 10 so far. I'm not into the guild battle side of things, (and am not in a Guild), and am just doing what I believe is termed "PvE".
Just wanted to clarify a few things though. Primarily, where is it all leading. I'm doing the tasks, killing monsters etc., picking up items and learning or buying skills as I go, moving on to the next guy with the exclamation point over his head, and so on, and thus uncovering more of the map. Is the ultimate goal to have done every task and been everywhere in Tyria (until the next chapter comes out), or is there more to it than that? I understand I will get to the highest level at 20, so further character development can't be the main aim.
And the items I find along the way (which I never seem to have enough room for, in spite of having found the rune of holding), are just there for me to sell to earn money for better armour, skills, and crafting, etc? In fact I've given up picking most of them up as most are so common and seem to be worth little at the merchants, or they seem to be intended for warriors, monks etc. I know I could trade items with other characters directly but I'm not sure of the point of doing this since most monsters drop cash like confetti, so I prefer to avoid taking the risk of being scammed - if I need more cash I just go and make another Charr squeal. I presume as I proceed to other areas greater amounts of cash will be required. And the only function of dyes seems to be to change your character's clothing colour. Is all this correct?
Then my last area of uncertainty is in battle, having come from a turn-based environment, this all happens a lot faster, in some cases faster than my reasonably new PC can cope with. Other players in missions and quests seem quite intolerant of me if I am slow to arrive at the mission or fall behind the group, or shoot at the wrong monster either because the PC was playing up or the connection was slow or I hadn't cottoned-on to what I was supposed to be doing. And sometimes you join a team and other members start logging out halfway round leaving you stranded. If it wasn't you that led the mission you can't even have a go at finishing it yourself as you don't have the map arrow. Is all this normal? I have ended up doing many of the tasks with all henchmen to avoid such problems as it will be a while before I have got to grips with the various battle strategies. For the moment, "if it's red, it's close, and it moves, shoot it," is my motto.
Apart from the above little bits of confusion, I'm enjoying it a lot. I just have to try and keep the family off this one...!