Fissure of Woe and the Underworld : truth out there ?
A single issue has been bothering me since a long time now... I'm quite a fan of FoW and UW, but I've never succeeded in completed all the quests.
The more I think about it, the more I am sure that there is something special out there for those who somplete all the quests in Grenth's realm and maybe in the FoW.
Why ? Imagine, Grenth is counting on you to clear his realm of all the scavengers that roam it, and tough ones I may add !!! As far as I know, nobody has ever achieved such a challenge !!! But some special reward for handling such a job is expected !
Just take Grenth's temple... Empty... But a light is coming from beneath the door... So what's there ??? A special entrance to HoH ???
So heroes, if you managed to clean up UW, please post your screens and share the magic !!!
Many thanks !!!
The more I think about it, the more I am sure that there is something special out there for those who somplete all the quests in Grenth's realm and maybe in the FoW.
Why ? Imagine, Grenth is counting on you to clear his realm of all the scavengers that roam it, and tough ones I may add !!! As far as I know, nobody has ever achieved such a challenge !!! But some special reward for handling such a job is expected !
Just take Grenth's temple... Empty... But a light is coming from beneath the door... So what's there ??? A special entrance to HoH ???
So heroes, if you managed to clean up UW, please post your screens and share the magic !!!
Many thanks !!!
It has been cleared by others and reported that you get absolutely nothing.
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
It has been cleared by others and reported that you get absolutely nothing.
As in:
Sorry to dissapoint you, but apart from quest experience and monster drops you don't get anything from the quests. However, they are still quite fun to do (if you have a considerable amount of time to kill), so don't let the fact there is no reward for your hard labor daunt you!
Anyway, you get something from doing them all: a feeling of OMG I'm uber-skilled! It's not easy...
Originally Posted by twicky_kid
It has been cleared by others and reported that you get absolutely nothing.
So I am still full of hope
Rc The Mad
Eight members of my guild cleared a very large chunk of Fissure today using the book trick with very little difficulty including forgemaster, the entire beach and forest. I'm positive many other groups have completed every single quest this way.
The Herbalizer
It has been reported by mant trust worthy individuals that they have cleared uw and fow and there is nothing.
Battle Torn
Until i see proof I dont beleive it. if I cleared UW or FoW I would take a screenie.
Screenie plz ppl !
Screenie plz ppl !
Originally Posted by Battle Torn
Until i see proof I dont beleive it. if I cleared UW or FoW I would take a screenie.
Screenie plz ppl ! |
FoW is easy to clear, not only have I completed every quest but I have killed EVERY thing inside of FoW..
It actually is quite BORING running FoW using the book, because all I do is spam seed, healing hands, healing bresse and an orison here and there on the warrior..
When I play my warrior and run arround with the book, its like WOW this is soooo fun...
Seriously FoW is not hard at all, UW IMO is 10x harder then FoW... and again there is no SPECIAL reward I can guarantee you that..
If you want to get into a clear FoW group one day message me in game @
Linsys Man
Feel free to take a screen shot and post it here... you will however be disapointed with no special event or item.... however it does make for more fun when using Vent or TS because u get a chance to interact with people..
We know that FOW is pretty easy, I didn't clear it myself because simply don't have the time... But I did all the quests (but not at once on a single trip, so I don't know)
But my major concern regards UW, which is the real challenge !!! So I am ready to believe people saying they've cleared FOW but UW, I need proofs.
But my major concern regards UW, which is the real challenge !!! So I am ready to believe people saying they've cleared FOW but UW, I need proofs.
How do expect someone to prove it? take several ss's of the place empty?
I'll tell you what, ext time I go to clear it again I'll take screen of every part of it empty for you. But believe them when they say that there's nothing special down there.
I'll tell you what, ext time I go to clear it again I'll take screen of every part of it empty for you. But believe them when they say that there's nothing special down there.
I was lucky enough to clear FoW on my first trip, but I was fortunate because I lucked into an experienced and extraordinary group. Actually, when I completed it, I wasn't disappointed at all because I didn't expect to find the meaning of life in the end. See, I had just completed the Titan quests before running FoW for the first time. Upon completing that last one I remember everyone was standing around, "That's it? That's all there is?" All you get for finishing all the Titan quests is a buttload of XP. No magical gates open. Grenth doesn't heap huge bounties upon you. Almost like the real world, where you get a pat on the back for a job well done then booted out the door to make room for the next hero.
when you guys say *clearded* uw or Fow, is it just killing everything there, or aslo doing all of the quests`?
Originally Posted by tuldor
I have a doubt, those people, those others as you say, did they post any screen to prove that they've been through all the quests ??? Cause I am not ready to believe someone just like that. Such a exploit must have been told somewhere, is there a post ??? At that time I would be ready to face the truth...
So I am still full of hope |
Seeing the three of them /attention at every monument *cleared* is very amusing (especially the necro)
I've seen videos of a Necro soloing UW and FoW. It was a 55hp SS build. But it's much faster if you can get a 55 monk and play a SS/SV Necro.
sorry, accedently posted twice >.<
Originally Posted by tuldor
We know that FOW is pretty easy, I didn't clear it myself because simply don't have the time... But I did all the quests (but not at once on a single trip, so I don't know)
But my major concern regards UW, which is the real challenge !!! So I am ready to believe people saying they've cleared FOW but UW, I need proofs. |
To give everyone a glimpse of how impossibly hard the Horsemen quest is, you have to kill 2 identical groups of 6 dryders and 2 horsemen. The horsemen are lvl 28 mesmers, packing wastrels, diversion, 2 enchantment removals and 2 interupts (one of which being Power Block, an INSANE skill to begin with). These 2 groups form and run towards a reaper from opposite directions, a reaper who must incidentally remain alive or you die and must leave UW. This forces you to split your team into 2 groups (we tried avoiding the reaper and guiding them into 1 big group...doesn't work.) This leaves a 4 man team to deal with 6 dryders (fire ele) and 2 Crazy mesmers with insanely high hp. I've never seen it done, nor do I know of anyone who's done it.
Could it be possible that no one has cleared uw? I find that unlikely, as there are many great players. But a VAST majority have not, and will not ever be able to do such a quest.
Go search around if you don't believe. In particular there was this really amusing post by 2 monks and 1 nec that managed to 3 man the whole of UW. Seeing the three of them /attention at every monument *cleared* is very amusing (especially the necro) |
okay, to stem any more threads that become a rumor mill for how gwen is the queen of the underworld.. here are the asked for screenshots
these are from the first time i cleared uw, a long 5 hour trip. it was w/ a pug i hung out w/ just for this purpose. their names have been hidden to protect the guilty
while going thru my screen caps it seems there was one quest i forgot to screencap - wrathful spirits from the reaper of the forgotten vale. sad, but if a party can't complete that quest they really don't belong in uw.
i've comp'd the multiple images together to save space:
uwclear01.jpg - (clockwise from left) 4 horsemen quest, ice king quest, save the souls quest, demon assasin quest
uwclear02.jpg - (clockwise from left) terrorweb queen, unwanted guests, restore monuments, escort souls
uwclear03.jpg - (top) posing for a shot w/ the chaos planes reaper and the reward chest. the gray dot on the radar is the 6th spider we killed hehe.
this was after we went back thru and killed all remaining mobs in uw, except for the souls in the bone pits as they keep respawning. suffice it to say we were quite disappointed that there was no reward after making certain that we did not miss a single mob.
(middle) we did the labyrinth quests last since they are the easiest
(bottom) posing for some screenshots after running around uw making sure we had taken out all the mobs
what should be self evident is that we cleared the chamber quest to get to the first reaper. Although the terrorweb queen quest was and still is broken (you don't actually have to finish it to get the xp), it's a very simple quest and you'll have to take my word for it that we finished both that one and wrathful spirits from the forgotten vale reaper. =)
and ... no... sorry to burst your bubble but there is no reward for clearing all uw quests/subquests. nilch, nada, no globs, no gwen, no gold, no message, no greneth... just the vast emptiness of... a cleared uw
these are from the first time i cleared uw, a long 5 hour trip. it was w/ a pug i hung out w/ just for this purpose. their names have been hidden to protect the guilty
while going thru my screen caps it seems there was one quest i forgot to screencap - wrathful spirits from the reaper of the forgotten vale. sad, but if a party can't complete that quest they really don't belong in uw.
i've comp'd the multiple images together to save space:
uwclear01.jpg - (clockwise from left) 4 horsemen quest, ice king quest, save the souls quest, demon assasin quest
uwclear02.jpg - (clockwise from left) terrorweb queen, unwanted guests, restore monuments, escort souls
uwclear03.jpg - (top) posing for a shot w/ the chaos planes reaper and the reward chest. the gray dot on the radar is the 6th spider we killed hehe.
this was after we went back thru and killed all remaining mobs in uw, except for the souls in the bone pits as they keep respawning. suffice it to say we were quite disappointed that there was no reward after making certain that we did not miss a single mob.
(middle) we did the labyrinth quests last since they are the easiest
(bottom) posing for some screenshots after running around uw making sure we had taken out all the mobs
what should be self evident is that we cleared the chamber quest to get to the first reaper. Although the terrorweb queen quest was and still is broken (you don't actually have to finish it to get the xp), it's a very simple quest and you'll have to take my word for it that we finished both that one and wrathful spirits from the forgotten vale reaper. =)
and ... no... sorry to burst your bubble but there is no reward for clearing all uw quests/subquests. nilch, nada, no globs, no gwen, no gold, no message, no greneth... just the vast emptiness of... a cleared uw
I failed the horsemen quest too and knowing its difficulty, I would like to read from people who managed to triumph over those nasty villains...
And again, no, I am not going to believe someone who simply claims that he managed something, I am not gullible, that would be too simple. I recognize what sno has been thru... but he's the only one. apart from this I get to read : just believe them if they tell you so. To the christians I would be like Saint Thomas, to the others, I would be like Hans Blickx.
And I am not asking this simply to know if there is or isn't a special reward but also to learn how to defeat the horsement and win the quest. Voilà. So don't spoil my dreams of a huge challenge followed by Grenth's favor !!! :lol:
And again, no, I am not going to believe someone who simply claims that he managed something, I am not gullible, that would be too simple. I recognize what sno has been thru... but he's the only one. apart from this I get to read : just believe them if they tell you so. To the christians I would be like Saint Thomas, to the others, I would be like Hans Blickx.
And I am not asking this simply to know if there is or isn't a special reward but also to learn how to defeat the horsement and win the quest. Voilà. So don't spoil my dreams of a huge challenge followed by Grenth's favor !!! :lol:
THX saphire !!! Did you go to Grenth's temple after having completed all the quests, just to check if something was lurking down there ???
Originally Posted by tuldor
And I am not asking this simply to know if there is or isn't a special reward but also to learn how to defeat the horsement and win the quest. Voilà. So don't spoil my dreams of a huge challenge followed by Grenth's favor !!! :lol:
exactly where is greneth's temple in uw? if you are referring to the temple like area at the top of the hill of the ice wastes .. yes, it was as empty as it ever is.
we went and checked out every nook and cranny after we were done =)
Sno - yah, it was way back in June or so when i was just a young fire nuker. this character has been killed unfortunately for my mesmer hehe. but actually tank wise, it's not too much different than how you are running things now probably. our solo tank was a mo/r running an early version of the 105 hp uw solo monk cycling SB using spirits.
we went and checked out every nook and cranny after we were done =)
Sno - yah, it was way back in June or so when i was just a young fire nuker. this character has been killed unfortunately for my mesmer hehe. but actually tank wise, it's not too much different than how you are running things now probably. our solo tank was a mo/r running an early version of the 105 hp uw solo monk cycling SB using spirits.
UW and FOW.. is just WoW... i thought i saw the whole thing until someone posts a new area with monsters i have never seen or heard about it....
theres something always new at the end of the road.
theres something always new at the end of the road.
im a huge fan of fissure runs and so are a few members of my guild. We have , on a few occasions, cleared fissure of woe and i can first hand tell you that after killing everything, doing all the quests, and searching everywhere, you get nothing extra other than your personal satisfaction of having it completed.
Shadowspawn X
I cleared FoW (completed all 11 quests in one run) probally about 15-20 times when I was farming XP heavy. At the end of the last quest, you get nothing, nothing happens and you are just standing in a big empty hole, until you decide to map out. Very anti-climatic.
Hang on folks, I'm sure as the future chapter comes out, a different realm will be created for each gods, Dwayna, Lyssa and Melandru. Then try to clearn all 5 of the realms, maybe a sixth secret realm?
Lord Iowerth
I personally want to see what they do with Melandru's world ... that is going to be some crazy stuff ... vines and trees that walk around, scarabs ... I don't see how they'd do a Dwayna one, since she's like the god of mercy and healing ... I suppose they could have it being invaded by something evil, etc. Or maybe you just run around and help people ... that would be pretty lame.
LiQuId StEeL
When you clear UW completely, Ectos rain from the sky until you cannot pick up any more...
Is that what you expected? Knowing you can do it is better than any item reward.
I have cleared all of UW with 5 people... all except the Riders Quest, and we ended up dying on the Ice Wastes Reaper... a bunch of terrorwebs just popped up on top of us, and got mashed into a pulp. Yes, this was after the AoE nerf, and took about 4 hours... sadly, I reinstalled GW when I reformatted, and forgot to back up my screenshot folder
Bye bye presear #1 screenies
FoW isn't all that hard to clear. Nothing happens when youre done.
Is that what you expected? Knowing you can do it is better than any item reward.
I have cleared all of UW with 5 people... all except the Riders Quest, and we ended up dying on the Ice Wastes Reaper... a bunch of terrorwebs just popped up on top of us, and got mashed into a pulp. Yes, this was after the AoE nerf, and took about 4 hours... sadly, I reinstalled GW when I reformatted, and forgot to back up my screenshot folder

FoW isn't all that hard to clear. Nothing happens when youre done.
Retribution X
and don't forget, if you have ranger, the handsome Black Widow spider...
But yeah. there is really nothing special about the UW.
But yeah. there is really nothing special about the UW.
Why is everyone saying.. I HAVE CLEARED "ALL" of UW,.... except this quest and that quest!?!?!? If you didn't finish "ALL" quests, then you didn't clear "ALL" of UW.
I myself have not cleared UW, so I cannot tell you what happens. But I have been to those doors and they do seem to hold something in there. Treasure perhaps?!?

I myself have not cleared UW, so I cannot tell you what happens. But I have been to those doors and they do seem to hold something in there. Treasure perhaps?!?
Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
I don't see how they'd do a Dwayna one, since she's like the god of mercy and healing ... I suppose they could have it being invaded by something evil, etc. Or maybe you just run around and help people ... that would be pretty lame.
And yeah, lots of defence heavy monk classed mobs.
Maybe some mesmers and paladan type warriors.
If its happening in chapter two Id expect to see ritualist in Melandrus realm.
Maybe assasians along with mesmers in Lyssas realm.
Jack Lost
Originally Posted by Diablo™
Hang on folks, I'm sure as the future chapter comes out, a different realm will be created for each gods, Dwayna, Lyssa and Melandru. Then try to clearn all 5 of the realms, maybe a sixth secret realm?
Sereng Amaranth
Originally Posted by Goonter
If its happening in chapter two Id expect to see ritualist in Melandrus realm.
Maybe assasians along with mesmers in Lyssas realm. |

Me and my guild <CiR>, cleared the UW months ago. I don't see the point to posting screenies as that has already been done in this thread (but i do have them:P). I will clarify to u all the things we tried after completeing this huge task. Oh, and by clear i mean we completed all quests and killed every monster (except the tortured soul thingies that spawn forever in the bone pits.
1. Checked the Ice Palace....nothing
2. Talked to Sara with gwens items in backpack.....nothing
3. Dropped Gwens items all around sara....nothing
4. Checked every nook and cranny of UW for anything new.....nothing
5. Sent a party member to each shrine and all at once kneeled before the reapers...nothing
6. Waited for USA to get favor again....nothing
7. Tried talking to every NPC in UW...nothing
That as they say is that, we were all so disapointed that we completely stoped PvEing after and became a PvP only guild. Thanks ANET!
1. Checked the Ice Palace....nothing
2. Talked to Sara with gwens items in backpack.....nothing
3. Dropped Gwens items all around sara....nothing
4. Checked every nook and cranny of UW for anything new.....nothing
5. Sent a party member to each shrine and all at once kneeled before the reapers...nothing
6. Waited for USA to get favor again....nothing
7. Tried talking to every NPC in UW...nothing
That as they say is that, we were all so disapointed that we completely stoped PvEing after and became a PvP only guild. Thanks ANET!

Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
I personally want to see what they do with Melandru's world ... that is going to be some crazy stuff ... vines and trees that walk around, scarabs ... I don't see how they'd do a Dwayna one, since she's like the god of mercy and healing ... I suppose they could have it being invaded by something evil, etc. Or maybe you just run around and help people ... that would be pretty lame.
you have the smite area in which the major mobs are smites - monk based creatures.
the chaos planes is mesmer based w/ mindblades and dreamriders.
the bone pits is necro based
the spawning pools are mostly terrorwebs and charged darknesses which are ele based
the twin peaks area are all about the behemoths which are ranger based
and the labyrinth's main challenge are the aaxtes and graspers which are warrior based
the only one i haven't really figured out is the forgotten vale area as it's not a hard area and not that large. I guess you could say because of the coldfires and stalking nights it's ele based.
i think it would be hilarious in the next chapter if there's an area where the party is adventuring in and suddenly your monk dies because she's been assassinated by an assassin =)
then your ritualist will cast a spell that suddenly reveals your entire party is surrounded by hordes of assassins.. and then the battle begins!
Originally Posted by HardoreHom
Why is everyone saying.. I HAVE CLEARED "ALL" of UW,.... except this quest and that quest!?!?!? If you didn't finish "ALL" quests, then you didn't clear "ALL" of UW.
![]() |
hey, congrats!
how long did that take w/ 3 people?
i from the curled up black corpse that you have chosen to kill your only reward for completing uw... yet another black widow spider =)
how long did that take w/ 3 people?
i from the curled up black corpse that you have chosen to kill your only reward for completing uw... yet another black widow spider =)
Originally Posted by saphir
hey, congrats!
how long did that take w/ 3 people? i from the curled up black corpse that you have chosen to kill your only reward for completing uw... yet another black widow spider =) |
One interesting thing I found is that if you wait to take the reward for "restore the monuments," he still says "there is much more to be done." even though theres ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LEFT