Man, Unidentified things SUCK!
Guild Wars Junkie
I really really hate my greeeeeed. Every other day I have to spend 60k worth of unid weapons, and they all suck! I just bought 2 req 7 swords, 3 req 8 swords for 65k, and they all turned out to be ''full of shit''. Yes, it's my fault, and yes I suck. Just felt like sharing.
Selling un-id runes is safe thing. In fact always salvage runs Un-id then sell id or unid.
Guild Wars Junkie
yeah, runes are cool, it's just the weapons. I bought an unid monk sup rune for 10k, it was a sup healing. So that was good

the chances are that the unidentified weapons were tested for mods before they were sold, so the chances of getting anything even decent is slim to none.
I agree that some people test their unidentified weapons for obvious mods (e.g. fortitude pommels, energy mods) but I think it's really rare for someone to test their inherent damage modifiers in weapons, due to the imprecision in calculating those.
Overall, I'd chalk it up to bad luck. In the end, if you have the excess cash to spend, it may be the best way for you secure one of the best items in the game for much less than it would normally cost.
Overall, I'd chalk it up to bad luck. In the end, if you have the excess cash to spend, it may be the best way for you secure one of the best items in the game for much less than it would normally cost.
Lord Iowerth
It's a lottery like anything else. You're betting that you can get something on the cheap ... I haven't done it that much, but did manage to buy an un-id'ed req 8 skull shield that happened to be +30-some-odd health and -2 stance, before all the green stuff came out. Bought it in a lot with about 10 other un-id'ed items for 3k. Pretty good deal, but tried it a few times since and only ended up with junk. I'm not one for gambling

Yeah, the other day I was thinking, "What am I missing for my bow collection... I know, a 15(whatever) Stormbow! Hey Mr. Farmer dude, I want that unided one! ZOMG. It's 15(Enchanted). Req 9. Score. Paid 5k for it."
I don't buy unided's much though. As in, I can remember what the other 3 unided things were I've ever bought. 2 Eternal shields and a chaos axe. They were crap.
I don't buy unided's much though. As in, I can remember what the other 3 unided things were I've ever bought. 2 Eternal shields and a chaos axe. They were crap.
Guild Wars Junkie
Ha, I don't have excess money, I just do lots of quick business. Like buy a brohns staff for 60k and sell it for 75. Buy 4 black dyes for 25k, and resell each at 7k. That's how I trigger my money. When I get to about 100k, I go like, lets try my luck with some unid stuff...and it all goes down the drain. Haha, I'm stuck with a bunch of shitty low req swords, which leads me to my next business idea, ''target the nooobs''.''Low req RARE sword, only 10k!!!!!!1111''

Originally Posted by romO
the chances are that the unidentified weapons were tested for mods before they were sold, so the chances of getting anything even decent is slim to none.
Originally Posted by Andro
How doo you doo that?
If your health increases automatically when you equip it, it has a fortitude pommel.
If you cast an enchantment on yourself and your health increases, it has a while enchanted mod (shields/focuses only).
If you cast a stance on yourself and your health increases, it has a while in a stance mod.
You can also test it by hexing someone else (or when you are hexed) and switching off to the weapon when your health is above or below 50%.
All of the same apply to the energy mods as well - you are just focusing on your energy bar instead of your health bar.
Retribution X
Just use my lucky ID jit. every fricking thing is perfect. 15>50 fellblade. bought it unided for 20k.
I buy unid'd weapons all the time. LOVE doing that. just the other day i bought a req 8 falchion unid for 8k. here are stats:
Zealous Falchion of Defense
15-22 Dmg (Req 8)
Damage 15% in Stance
Energy gain on hit +1
Energy regen -1
defense +4
Luckly i had another defense +5 pommel on another sword that i salv'd and its now perfect for what i use
Zealous Falchion of Defense
15-22 Dmg (Req 8)
Damage 15% in Stance
Energy gain on hit +1
Energy regen -1
defense +4
Luckly i had another defense +5 pommel on another sword that i salv'd and its now perfect for what i use
Eripens Vitae
A guildie of mine bought un id-ed eternal bow for 15k, turned out to be 15>50 and he sold it for 36 ecto which he then sold for 320k, lucky guy ^^. I never gamble though, i have all i need and if i still need something, i'll farm money and pay for it.
The advice above "do not buy unid'd weapons is good advice. Also multiple posts point out that un id'd weapons can and usually are tested prior to being sold. Ask yourself this question - would you ever sell and un-id'd wepaon without testing it first?
Originally Posted by mishop
The advice above "do not buy unid'd weapons is good advice. Also multiple posts point out that un id'd weapons can and usually are tested prior to being sold. Ask yourself this question - would you ever sell and un-id'd wepaon without testing it first?
Sold a low Rew Storm Bow purple max damage for 9k. Didn't want to risk it being junk.
leeky baby
Originally Posted by romO
the chances are that the unidentified weapons were tested for mods before they were sold, so the chances of getting anything even decent is slim to none.
leeky baby
ya sorry i shoudl read all the post first

Two April Mornings
unid foci have been good to me
Even the % damage mods can easily be tested on weapons as a warrior. Just remember what type of attacks always do the same damage (on the same mob) and it's not hard to figure out.
I wouldn't take the chance on an UnID even if it were only 200g. Most people know how to test them and it only takes a minute to do. Go /W or W/ (which most farmers are anyways), go outside and smack a mob, and there ya go.
I wouldn't take the chance on an UnID even if it were only 200g. Most people know how to test them and it only takes a minute to do. Go /W or W/ (which most farmers are anyways), go outside and smack a mob, and there ya go.
Originally Posted by Jetdoc
You equip the weapon outside of a town while it is unidentified.
If your health increases automatically when you equip it, it has a fortitude pommel. If you cast an enchantment on yourself and your health increases, it has a while enchanted mod (shields/focuses only). If you cast a stance on yourself and your health increases, it has a while in a stance mod. You can also test it by hexing someone else (or when you are hexed) and switching off to the weapon when your health is above or below 50%. All of the same apply to the energy mods as well - you are just focusing on your energy bar instead of your health bar. |
Originally Posted by TheSonofDarwin
go outside and smack a mob, and there ya go.
Sir Skullcrasher
The best thing i ever brought un-id was a gold hornbow which turned out to have a 10/10 AP string on it, sadly.. the damn expert salvage couldn't get it out and i wasted my chance of get 10/10 string!

Out of all the things I found, only one turned out to be perfect, a longsword req 8 max dmg 15>50, I did farm a little bit in UW and playing through the game, and finding only 1 perfect item just says that you gotta be VERY lucky.
Buying unIDed items is a huge waste. 95% of them have been tested. Anyting decent is IDed and sold for larger amounts.
Rico Carridan
Originally Posted by Diabloâ„¢
what about dmg bonus? that's alittle hard to decifer, but seems to play a great deal in the price of the item, for some reason 14%^50% and below is shiat, ppl only want the ellusive 15%^50%.
When I play warrior, I can certainly tell the moment I drop below 50% health even without looking at my health bar, because my damage starts to suck. At a guess, I think you could completely test a sword for vampiric, zealous, fortitude (easy), elemental, and damage mod in under 5 minutes, probably under 2. For something like an axe, you'd probably need closer to 10 for the damage mod.
went wild one day and spent 100k on unid longswords....all crap 
that really hurt.

that really hurt.
There's not enough difference between a 13^50 damage mod and 15^50 damage mod, so you can't test this. And if you deal a bit more damage, and you think it's a 15^50 mod, it could've been one of the mods on it.
I buy unidentified items, occasionally, from farmers in Augory Rock. Though, don't spend too much, you can get golds for so few gold in Augory.
I buy unidentified items, occasionally, from farmers in Augory Rock. Though, don't spend too much, you can get golds for so few gold in Augory.