Someone who knows their stuff tell me when and on what to use Normal/Expert salvage kits. I've heard conflicting stories on this and would like a definite answer.
So far, everyone knows that Expert kits are used 1) to have a SLIGHT chance of receiving a rare crafting material and 2) to extract runes/hilts/shafts out of whatever. I'm interested in knowing a few things:
- Is the chance of getting a rare crafting material the same on ALL items (like a set % for every item in the game) ?
- Does item value only make a difference in the quantity of materials salvaged or does it raise the chance of getting rare stuff ?
- What about purple items ? I understand that purple gear is slightly better but I sometimes get purple salvage items with nothing special on them. Wtf are they ?!
- Do Expert kits only yield more materials on ALL items or only on "highly salvageable" ones ? And do the extra materials make up for the higher cost of an Expert kit ?
Salvaging: Expert vs Normal
Thanks but it doesn't answer my questions...