was wondering if you could customize characters you already made, since i read that you will be able to customize your characters in chapter.2.
thx in advance
sry forgot ^^
yea i mean their apearance( more around the face and hair dont care for the body)
question about customization in ch.2
Jack Lost
Customise? In what way? Edit their appearance?
Please explain a bit more what you want to know.
Please explain a bit more what you want to know.
yea we should all know since we already have the game...
Jack Lost
well everyones askin questions about ch.2(like the thread ch.2 how many chars? or how much more pve will be added or will guild wars be an update or a disk from a shop) so i thought i would =p
Although it would be really nice if you could make mods to your character appearance, I doubt that is anything that will happen anytime soon.
I know I wouldn't mind shaving my memser
. Changing the character name would be nice too.
I know I wouldn't mind shaving my memser
Originally Posted by Jack Lost
well everyones askin questions about ch.2(like the thread ch.2 how many chars? or how much more pve will be added or will guild wars be an update or a disk from a shop) so i thought i would =p