Guild Halls are cool, but they have some fundamental flaws. First of all they are useless outside of Guild Vs Guild battles, and second, ANYBODY can initiate those battles. Third, besides fame there is no tangible reward for winning those battles.
First of all I'm going to list the mandantory changes, the "cool" additions will be listed later.
Guild OFFICERs should be the only people that can press the Guild Battle button. It's lame to have some infiltrator ruin your rating by joining and running suicide battles.
There must be some way to skirmish within your guild, one vs one fights would be nice, but a fake Guild Vs Guild battle option is necessary. You just get 2 teams together and both of the leaders hit the "Scrimmage" button, and then you fight without having to worry about ratings. You don't have to be an officer to scrimmage. This would allow the guilds to practice without ruining their rating, allowing them to get better. It would also make the guildhall worth something outside wartime.
Some semblence of your guild needs to be displayed within the guildhall to make it yours. Banners with your emblem on it would be nice.
Ok and now for the things that are not necessary but would be cool to have.
A hall "crier" NPC that spouts information about the guild that you can't find on the screen. For instance "Bob reached level 16 yesterday!", "Our guild rating is falling!", "Our guild is wealthier than other guilds." (average of the gold of all the members) "Our guild is higher level than most other guilds.", "Our guild has less damaging weapons than other guilds." Generally just facts that you can't find elsewhere that aren't particularly useful, but fun to read, giving another interesting reason to sit inside the guildhall.
I do NOT like the idea of having Merchants, Dye Traders, and other NPCs you can already find in cities inside your guildhall. It's not a city, it's a headquarters. If there were merchants here to be realistic they would have to have lower prices, and that would probably imbalance the game.
I do however like the idea of a guild "stash" that everybody can use. That way I could just put items I find that are cool into the stash without having to ask if anybody wants it, and players that are on when I am not can rummage through them.
During peacetime, generally it should be daytime, with good weather, however I'd like to see random weather and random times during battles, because those can happen at anytime. Just an aesthetic change. For the Hunters hall it could be raining, for the one in the desert it could be a sandstorm, etc.
I would like to see some benefits based on your guild rating, but I don't want them to affect PvP gameplay. Say the top guild gets a gold fringe around their guild cape. The top 10 get a silver fringe, and the top 25 get a bronze fringe. A pretty basic change, but it is atleast SOMETHING for being the #1 guild. I threw around the idea of having "relics" that affected the guild in some way, sort of like DAoC that were "captured" by winning against the guild that owned the relic in GvG. However that would affect gameplay and probably imbalance stuff. It would only work if they gave very minute bonuses, like 5% or less changes in damage, health, mana, etc.
This is all of the things I can think up to help guilds right now, but if anybody else has any ideas about guilds and guildhalls (particularly in peace time), please post them as well. I gave guilds their own post, I will post again with my other suggestions, but I had enough for guilds that they warranted their own distinct post.
Guildhall Improvements...
I totaly agree on what you listed as mandantory changes, but perhaps instead of a fake GvG it should be like a Free For All Area. A pace where ppl from your guild can test their characters and have fun matches.
The NPC crier idea was the best thing if heard so far, would be really cool, but not as important as the first ideas.
As for the stast i like the bank system that was mentioned elsewhere, everyone can put it, but only officers (or some other group) can take things out, so you don't run into the same trouble as with GvG.
Different weather is something that should happen in the whole game, but i'm afraid we'll have to wait for an addon to see that.
The NPC crier idea was the best thing if heard so far, would be really cool, but not as important as the first ideas.
As for the stast i like the bank system that was mentioned elsewhere, everyone can put it, but only officers (or some other group) can take things out, so you don't run into the same trouble as with GvG.
Different weather is something that should happen in the whole game, but i'm afraid we'll have to wait for an addon to see that.
I (almost) totally agree with all of that. However, a PvE guild hall would be nice. I would only PvP while waiting for the next chapters to ship .
Only disagreement is what if the guild leader isn't online? Perhaps just having only the highest ranking member online for a guild should be able to initiate a battle?
Only disagreement is what if the guild leader isn't online? Perhaps just having only the highest ranking member online for a guild should be able to initiate a battle?
Hmm why "PvE Guild Hall"? I like the idea to add more things to the Guild Hall so that it makes sense for pure PvE guilds.
Hmm yes as i said, officers should be able to start GvG battles, only leader wouldn't be good thats right.
Hmm yes as i said, officers should be able to start GvG battles, only leader wouldn't be good thats right.