Monk and 2 superior runes
Ishamael Sedai
I wouldn't want to use superior runes for things like swordsmanship or strength on my warrior because w/ him being part tank I don't want the hp loss. But I am building a monk and was planning on eventually getting superior runes for divine prayers and healing. Now if lets say divine healing was 15 and healing prayers was 16 w/ those can anyone estimate how much spells like healing breeze and orison of healing would do?
You might want to do this vice versa, if you're planning this for PvP atleast. It's the warrior and anything else dishing out damage you want the superiors on. A monk's healing is fine without superiors if done right, and being one of the core targets in PvP, you really can't risk that drastic life drop. For PvE, I actually feel the same way. It seems as if most mobs later on in the game go straight for the monks or mes's, in which case, you can't risk the health lost either.
I have to agree with Shinsei. As far as the PvE play I was doing quests out of Amnoon last night as a Monk and I was gang banged frequently. I felt so violated!
Yeah, thats true. Remember, in pvp, most people go for the monks/elementalist/ spell using classes before warriors.