Fix The Stupid Elementalist Armor That Clashes With Cape
There is nothing MORE annoying to me in this game than to be wearing my nice shiny Elementalists Armor, and from behind my cape glitches in and out of it... IT'S TERRIBLE! The two never belonged together! it's bad enough that my Staff pokes right through the damn cape, but this is ridiculous! They just need to change the BACK of that armor.
Soul Monarch
Happens to the Ranger trenchcoats too.

I got the 51 def ele armor too and the guild cape polygons are intersecting the armor. It's pretty much ruining it for me so i'm going to craft a new 51 armor, though i don't know what ele i should get extra resistance in. I've just reached the crystal dessert and from what i've heard the enemies there are mainly using hexes and such on you, but if anyone has any suggestion or if it's just a visual aspect at that part of the game i'd love to know.
Originally Posted by RMThompson
There is nothing MORE annoying to me in this game than to be wearing my nice shiny Elementalists Armor, and from behind my cape glitches in and out of it... IT'S TERRIBLE! The two never belonged together! it's bad enough that my Staff pokes right through the damn cape, but this is ridiculous! They just need to change the BACK of that armor.
The problem is the shape and size of the cape itself! Elementalists and rangers look daft with the cape on their back, they should get something else as an alturnative to the cape.
Why can't the armor? Its fine...
Yes they should make the cape smaller or something for Ele's and Rangers... I dunno. It looks like crap!