Weapon, level and Damage?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




I was wondering something the other day cos i am level 19 and only need around 3000exp to get to level 20 and i was bored so i went back to the Great Northern Wall to kill all of the Char in the mission there when they chase you and i only hit like 60-70+ DMG each time i hit on the lvl 6-8 charr which i thought was kinda low so here are my Classes, attributes and weapon that i am wielding:

Class: War/Mnk

Weapon: Poisoners flamberge of Defence (Gold)
+15% damage (Above 50% health)
Lengthens poison damage on foe
Armour +5

Attribbutes: Swordsmanship: 12
Strength: 9
Tactics: 9
Healing Prayers: 1 or 2
Protection Prayers: 2 or 3

(No spare attribute points)

I was wondering if i have a bad weapon or the wrong attributes but if anyone knows how i can increase the damage i do plz tell me or if that is like that average kind of damage for my level etc.

Thanks to any1 who replies



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


60-70 dmg seems about right, i think.

on a completely unrelated note, i will suggest that you change the poisoner's hilt on your sword to something that will be more useful to you. w/mo doesn't really allow for many poisoning skills.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




KK but what do you think it should be?




Join Date: Dec 2005




you can also try losing the point in tactics, healing prayers, or protection, and give them to swordsmanship or strength, so you do more dmg

btw, it's not possible for you to gain xp from level 6 monsters i think...

just do the missions at your level, you'll be just fine...you'll turn level 20 by ascending ( or one of the missions there )


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

As far as changing your 'poisoners' hilt, it depends on what skills and strategy you use, as well as price. If you use sever artery or something that causes bleeding, a barbed hilt could work. This is also pretty cheap. Moving up the price scale from there is vampiric. This will add extra damage and a bit of healing. It can be a bit annoying because of the constant health degen, though. And from there, the prime (and expensive) choices are sundering (% chance for armor penetration), which I'm not as big a fan of as most people, or furious (% chance for double adrenaline), which is only of use if you use a lot of adrenaline skills.

Hope that made sense. If not, post some more info on your skillbar, and I'm sure people will help you out.




Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


all good suggestions from tuperwho. he forgot to mention the zealous hilt, which will help you regain energy faster despite the -1 in energy regen.

one more thing i would like to add is regarding the vamp and zealous mods. i would only suggest putting those in if you have another weapon that you can switch to. -1 health or energy regen isn't good when you aren't regaining it in battle. it's good to have something to switch to which doesn't have those when you aren't in battle.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




yea it did thanks



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




Another thing do you think that i should rune up my armour with some major runes as well?? like runes of swordsmanship and strength?? cos atm i got minor runes of strength, tactics, swordmanship and vigor but should i upgrade the swordmanship and strength to major?? may lose me 100hp though :S?????????????

Its just that i dont like having low health lol


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005




Originally Posted by tuperwho
As far as changing your 'poisoners' hilt, it depends on what skills and strategy you use, as well as price. If you use sever artery or something that causes bleeding, a barbed hilt could work. This is also pretty cheap. Moving up the price scale from there is vampiric. This will add extra damage and a bit of healing. It can be a bit annoying because of the constant health degen, though. And from there, the prime (and expensive) choices are sundering (% chance for armor penetration), which I'm not as big a fan of as most people, or furious (% chance for double adrenaline), which is only of use if you use a lot of adrenaline skills. Tuperwho
Like you I am not a fan (at all) of sundering. It's over-priced and under-effective. I am a fan of zealous, furious and vampiric. At various times - depending on what I'm trying to accomplish - I use an axe or a sword.

When I first used vampiric, it was occasionally a problem - I'd forget that I had it equipped and experienced health degen unless I ran mending (I know, I know ... but it's perfectly fine for farming and PvE at times). Now I use a second weapon set and remember to switch to the non-vampiric weapon as soon as any actual fighting is over.

It's hard to beat vampiric since, unlike the rest of the mods, it actually increases damage in a noticeable way.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Originally Posted by Mandos
Another thing do you think that i should rune up my armour with some major runes
I'm typically of the school of thought that says that your rune status should be all minors, except one superior (excluding vigor, which should be as good as you got). I just don't think majors are worth it. You lose 50 health for 1 attribute point. However, for only 25 additional health, you get another attribute point if you use a superior. And like you, I don't like to have low health, which is why I only use 1 rune that will lower my health (i.e. not 2 majors or any combo of major and sup.) Perhaps there are others with better thought out reasons to counter my strategy, though.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




oh ok i was reading that minor increases your attribute by 1 majon by 2 and superior by 3

but whatever do you think i should get swordmanship or strength rune as superior??

alsoi would like to know what a fiery Sword hilt does if possible??



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Jul 2005

The Eyes of Texas [BEVO]


1. Swordsmanship over strength every day of the week.
2. Firey sword hilt converts your damage from physical to elemental. This is important since MOST creatures in GW have resistance to physical damage, and much fewer have any resistance to elemental.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006




KK then i will buy that hehe