Hello again,
It is me, your friendly inquisitive Zodiak.
A new question related to sword upgrades has crossed my mind recently since I have been in the market for new sword upgrades.
I have been wondering about +Shelter VS +Defense sword pommels
+Shelter pommels reach up to +7 defense vs (physical or elemental) VS the +Defense pommel which reaches +5 defense and doesnt seem oriented either way.
My question is the following. Warrior Knight armor does not have any elemental damage absorbtion any way does it?
So that being, What would be the difference between a +Shelter (with physical) and +Defence pommel of equal value?
And since the +Shelter pommel reaches a higher value, being +2 more then the +Defense pommel, whould this make it alot better VS physical damage all around?
Also, do you believe there is significant diffence of +2?
Thank you for your time once again
+Shelter VS +Defense
I say if you're involved with a lot of melee, go for shelter, else for casters (and warriors) go for the +5 defense mod.
I don't think +2 is significant. I always go for the +5 mod.
Two April Mornings
i have a +5 for pvp, and two +7 (ele and phys) for farming
Manic Smile
from what I have read +7 ele only relates to fire/water/ele/earth and so is the weakest of all...as there are more non-phsicaly forms of damage out there while the +5 works on all but shadow like normal armor. I would say either +5 if you are worried about non physical damage or +7 physical if your really worried about that war...say for a ranger who has more ele defense anyway.