An Old player looking for some information.



Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Sweden, Stockholm


I haven't been around any forum of Guild Wars for months... Since I disbanded my own guild and since the one I am in now grew more and more in-active so did I. But since the new updates and the expansion pack coming soon I'm willing to give this game a chance again.

I've still been playing from time to time, about 3-4 hours a week and I still kick ass more or less. Since I've been away for a long time from the community really I'd like to ask you all some questions. Quite important ones for myself so if you can take your time to give some serious answers to these I'd be grateful!

First of all. Are there any guilds or people left that organize any sort of role play events or similar things. I've sadly seen none since my return to this realm.

Secondly. What guild would you recommend me ( a highly skilled Ranger or Monk - Good with other proffessions aswell ) to join. I'm looking for a guild that is aiming to become the best, who has Ventrilo or some Teamspeak, who has serious and mature (or at least respectfull and well mannered) people in it. And ofcourse people who still do role play. A guild that perhaps isn't the best yet but is aiming for it.

So any ideas, please tell them to me.

Thirdly and last. I'd like to ask you all what you think is the best combination personally. W/R (11 or 13 in Tactics and Sword/Axe/Hammer and 11 in beast mastery or the oposite in Markmanship and Wilderness survival).

This for the random arena were you are not sure if you get a monk or not.
I've been thinking on this shit quite some time, cause if you take full ranger you get the benefits of a the runes, but seriously they make a litle difference and with tactics you can spam with random stances...


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

What do you mean by role play events?

It is not like normal players can behave like NPCs and give out quests. Unless you mean of course something like, "Go get me 100 gargoyle skulls." and when you report back to him with 100 skulls you get your "quest reward" consisting on 10,000 gold.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


I'm sure there's a role-playing section in this forum. I'm not sure just how active it is though. Give it a check.