after the speading of enemies mod,will this happen? when a grp take dmg 2 or more times together,they will spread,so the barrage have only a recast time of 1,and if u cast it several times,will the mob run?
Have anyone tried? if yes,please help me on this,thanks a lot.
Will the mob spread when u do barrage serveral times?
rugal nuker
i think it does. i use it alot and i can never seem to hit a compacted group more than twice before they scatter. maybe they just randomly move to pursue targets?
Lasher Dragon
No, barrage will not cause them to flee. Preps can cause them to flee (like ignite/dual shot will break up a group fast lol), but since they cannot be used with barrage anyway, I don't think there is any way for Barrage to trigger the AoE nerf.
Barrage + Conjure (Insert Element) doesnt break groups either.
Hmmmm, now that shamans in SF are using smite hex.....Barrage/Interrupt Rangers ftw? It would be about time they had their turn in 5 man teams.