how can i get into pvp as fast as possible..


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

is there anyway to get into pvp with out playing pve .. can you gain skills just by playing pvp?? or is gaining skill even possible in pvp..

as you can tell im new to the game.. i dont have a lot of time to do "farming for skills?" .. thats what i read on the forums.. i have a real life to attend to..

thx .. please dont flame me.. i want to get into pvp as fast as possible.. but it seems like you have to play hundreds of hours of pve to get those skills??



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Shameful Spirits

You could take a premade into PvP, and it's concievably possible to never touch PvE.
But that's horribly time consuming, even moreso than PvE.
The easiest way to get into PvP, currently, is to play through the PvE section of the game with one character. That will give you a fair bit of unlocked skills to start experimenting with PvP builds. You can pretty much go from there. I don't know, a first time through PvE, probably takes ~50-75 hours, including lots of the quests that have skills as a reward.

It's easier to get most of the non-elite skills with a PvE character-elite skills and items are probably better off unlocked through Faction, which you get during PvP.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Take me where I cannot stand.

The Better Part of Valor


If you had some in-game gold, I'd reccomend getting a PvE Character rushed to Emberlight Camp, where there is a skill trainer dwarf who will unlock any skills you want. But to get rushed to Emberlight camp would probably cost about 25-40k. Probably not something you could afford.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Play one PvE character for 20-30 hours. That should give you enough skills to do ok in Competition Arena (make sure to spend ALL your skill points before you delete a PvE character). From then on, you can make PvP characters and use them to gain faction to buy new skills (hint: if you choose one of the premade characters, you can use the skills they have even if you don't play the same build).

Here's a list of quests that give skills:

Getting as many skills as you can through quests will save skill points. Generally, skill trainers in the main cities will have skills that you can get through quests, while skill trainers in minor towns will have skills that you can get no place else in PvE.

Here's a list of skill trainers, so you can spend your skill points more efficiently:

Also, whenever you get any unidentified 2-handed weapons or salvage items, identify them. These will unlock runes and weapon upgrades for your PvP characters.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

If this is your first time playing the game, play the game through with a PvE character. While you can unlock everything just by playing with the premade templates, its not nearly fast enough to unlock everything even if you GvG very often.

Originally Posted by ShadowStorm
If you had some in-game gold, I'd reccomend getting a PvE Character rushed to Emberlight Camp, where there is a skill trainer dwarf who will unlock any skills you want. But to get rushed to Emberlight camp would probably cost about 25-40k. Probably not something you could afford.
There would be no point, you'd still have to level your character and do the missions for the skill points required to purchase the skills. Also, it doesnt cost quite so much