Wanted : Guilds for Alliance favoring Luxon



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

Hounds Of Creegus


Currently we are leaning towards Luxon but thats only 6 of 7 posts so far. However I can say more than likely we will lean towards Luxon. So the Hounds of Creegus will be looking for some guilds who will have Luxon as a primary faction, however we would like to try thr kurzicks as well. Our forums can be found at s13.invisionfree.com/houndsofcreegus.

Basic Overview:

We are all active, friendly and generally nice people. Roughly 45 members, half of which are on daily.

We do pvp, gvg and looking to do tombs alot more.
However you can find many of us usually doing some farming in FoW or in the Temple of Ages, and the newer quests, like the titan quests.

For a voice chat we use skype. We have found it to be free and to be better than vent or ts. The quality is better and you can simply choose people to talk to, and confrencing for multiple people.

We are organized in PvP using what I call strings. A first string for our elite players and second strings for our players who are learning/competing to be in our first string. At the moment our first string is made mostly out of our officers but you only stay in the string as long as no one in our guild is better than you. So if you not at the top of your game then you fall down a string.

We have a cape(dark blue with a silver hound) and hall ofcourse (wizards isle) and down below is our forums/website links. We also do alot of Temple of Ages like UW and FoW. We do random groups as well but we are setting up groups for those missions as well, similar to our strings.

Our Forums can be found at:
and Website at:

Officers: The Vanu Curse, Zachery Icewolf, Yakusa Khan, Balmung of Azurskys, and Canis Artorus.