i don noe if every1 agrees with my idea, but i think areanet should increase the no. of char slot for guild wars: faction. 4 char slots was fine for guild wars. after all, for a successful acc, u need a money maker. W/mo takes first slot. A good pvp char with the flexibility of pve. Ranger or mes take second slot. to truely unlock everything, the other two chars slots will do, with one as pve and maybe the last one as a pure pvp char. but guild war:factions will offer an additional 2 profession. Furthermore, with the limited char slots, experimenting with different gender is not possible sometimes(i mean the armor!!) so i hope more char slots would provide flexibility in the game in terms of experimentation with char. after all, the permutation for choosing current profession is about 30. with the 2 new proffesions, there will be about 56 permutations. imagine 4 slots for 56 choices........
P.S i can only reply on weekends
A suggestion for factions......(pls see if opinion is valid)
Originally Posted by bconline
after all, the permutation for choosing current profession is about 30. with the 2 new proffesions, there will be about 56 permutations. imagine 4 slots for 56 choices........
But you can't have all primary professions on one account tho, especially with NEW professions coming, I'd find it silly if I could not create atleast one of the new profs as primary without killing hours of hard work..
But since this has been suggested quite a few times, expecting thread to be locked in 3.. 2.. 1..
tks for opinions
They already said they will increase slots, although a number isn't given. This is a really repetitive topic. Closed.