I'm not sure if anyone else feels this way, but does anyone else here find traps a tad on the annoying side?
Personally I think 2 seconds is WAY too short of a time to set a trap, and there have been numerous occasions where I couldn't interrupt a trap setting ranger by hitting him in melee.
On top of that, it's so easy to min/max wilderness survival since spike trap and fire trap will cripple/set aflame respectively regardless of your skill, and all traps last 90 seconds regardless of your skill.
Personally I haven't had a real pvp problem with trappers, it's quite obvious where they lay them, but as a personal opinion I think it should take longer to cast, be easier to interrupt (somehow), and affect everyone rather than just enemies; the landmine doesn't care who steps on it, just that it's been stepped on :P
Just my $0.02
Traps are very hard to land against good PvP teams. Traps are usually laid then you try to lure your opponents into them, however Traps can also be used offensively but it's very hard. They add an element of control as to where your opponents will or will not go. Two seconds is long enough because they are very easy to interrupt. They're also very easy to protect against. Drop a seed on your tank and have him run around and set them off and you have nothing to worry about. Usually.