


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


OK, I got scammed a few mins ago. A run to copperhammer mines from granite citadal. It was 3k for the run. Yes, a large ammount hence I could fight there. We got the GF and zoned back. They wanted 2k there. I payed, and 3 others did. 2 didn't, they(the dual runners) quit. Me and 2 others stayed when we rezoned. So Rowin and I, Rowin was a warrior that stayed. We ran it after a few tries. So none the less we made it after the dual runners made 8k(2k times 4 people). They scammed and I need to know how to report them. I have screens of them. 1 of them advertising "Dual runners to copperhammer mines, 3k each." A screen of me paying, and one more screen of them leaving. So what do I do once I get to to report them?
Thank you.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

time/place in game.

screenshots of transaction.

report as closely every detail to help them find it in their logs.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005


Who do I email though?


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Nilator
Who do I email though?
fill out a support ticket information is here


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Black Hand Gang [BHG]


Originally Posted by Nilator
Who do I email though? -> Ask a question -> Category: Rules and Policies -> Department: Violation Report (fill out the rest then)

Some of the information you should include (though this was for someone doing inappropriate stuff, the location and stuff still apply):

- The name of the character being reported
- The name of the character you were playing at the time of the encounter
- The time of the incident (with time zone)
- The name of the map zone where the incident took place (or even the location within the zone)
- A description of the offending action, dialogue, or name
- A screenshot of the incident (please ensure any screenshots are in JPEG/.jpg or GIF/.gif format and under 2 megabytes in size before you attach them to your message)
- Any other details that you feel are relevant

We will use the information that you provide to investigate whether a violation of the rules has occurred. If we do find any rules have been broken, we will take action.