whats the new Tombs update?

Fox Reeveheart

Fox Reeveheart

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005


none q.q


I went into tombs and updated a bunch of files, was it me or did it look darker than usual? And whats with the asian samurai kuro guy and zaishen people? I WANT THAT ZAISHEN FIGHTER ARMOR!

they said something about the underworld or something, whats going on?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005

Squiggilyville. Population: Me.

[oRly] Hello Kitty Death Squad


First of all, use search, secondly, official information is on www.guildwars.com and finally all this info is on the guru front page.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

It was a new update January 13 in preparation for the PvP free-for-all this weekend and the eventually release of the expansion.

Update - Friday, January 13

Please do not be alarmed.

Though the strange occurrences you are witnessing outside the Tomb of the Primeval Kings have not, as of yet, been fully explained, we, the Zaishen Order, are here to provide for your safety.

Be advised: Those who dare approach the entrance to the Tombs in the coming days risk great peril. You would do well to leave this matter to the trained Zaishen experts who are already hard at work. We will not interfere with your comings and goings if you do not interfere with ours.

As a service of Balthazar you have been notified.

-Commander Kuro of the Zaishen Order.
Here's the information on the event if you're interested:

More new stuff will happen leading up to the event.