the aoe nurf went wrong for me
I was playing a nuker on the fire islands the other day (I was asked to and I was doing the most dmg out put…. We had 3 w/mo 1 w/me and 3 monks) and after the constant tanking by one w/mo (who thought de was invicible withover 100 hp) I noticed that creeps werent running from meteor shower. i wasnt echoing it and my other aoe spells were fire ball and lava font they only ran away from lava font and not the other 2 is it me or does that seem a bit strange after the nerf.
has this happened to anyone or anything similar
has this happened to anyone or anything similar
wow lucky you...I use meteor shower and they typically run after the 3rd or 4th one drops. . If I were you I would farm like a mad man until they figure it out
LOL! I can't answer your question about what happened to the AI in your mission, but I just couldn't help noting the composition of your party. 4 Warriors and 3 Monks? Was that by design or were there no others around to do the mission? For me, 2 Warriors in a party is just on the border of being too many, and more than two monks is way more than necessary, thus cutting down on the party's damage potential (unless the monks were smiting and/or damaging via their secondary professions, which I think would be kind of cool). And then you lacked the profession diversity that makes parties so much fun and so successful, especially for the fire islands where skill, attack and spell interrupts work wonders: here I mean you definitely lacked Mesmer, Ranger and Necro support.
Fireball doesn't cause enemies to flee, lava font almost always does. Meteor shower seems to be hit and miss - sometimes they do, sometimes not.
Warriors have the ability to interrupt as well, if they equip it. I did Abaddons with 4 rangers 2 monks and a warrior and all the rangers working together was awesome, interrupting everything and dropping the called targets - easiest trip thru that mission I've ever had.
you lacked the profession diversity that makes parties so much fun and so successful, especially for the fire islands where skill, attack and spell interrupts work wonders |
perhaps the warriors body blocked youre targets AOE escape route thus making it stand still as it was trying to go point B but couldnt get there
heh, did all three missions with straight henchmen with my mesmer/nec. Found the easiest way to take down those damn monk bosses, surround them so they can't flee AOE, takes a little bit of practice to get the henchmen into the right position, but once it's done, the mob dies very quickly
Meteor Shower only hits 3 times, not 4.
Metor shower can be pretty hit or miss. I find that a lot of times it depends on what else is happening when the shower starts to hit.
In UW when I throw a shower, If I try and cast another spell on them while it is ongoing, they tend to break off. So I cast, wait until the third has dropped, knocked them down and they have regained aggro before I toss a fireball into the mix.
Edit: And stop apologizing for playing a nuker! They can still be good when used with skill and a knowledgeable player. Show all the haters that nukers are still a viable part of a group!
Metor shower can be pretty hit or miss. I find that a lot of times it depends on what else is happening when the shower starts to hit.
In UW when I throw a shower, If I try and cast another spell on them while it is ongoing, they tend to break off. So I cast, wait until the third has dropped, knocked them down and they have regained aggro before I toss a fireball into the mix.
Edit: And stop apologizing for playing a nuker! They can still be good when used with skill and a knowledgeable player. Show all the haters that nukers are still a viable part of a group!
Mister Overhill
Meteor shower worked great last week in taking down the priests at Thirsty River, the doppelganger (one try/one kill), and the Mursaat groups at Ice Caves (far as my e/mo has gotten).
mobs dont seem to run from meteor shower if they are in mid swing or mid spell and when they are clumped together, maybe they are body blocking each other
Malchior Devenholm
Agree with BBOY, the AI aint smart enough yet to run away from the AOE if they're already using a big skill *the hydras meteor shower, the golems lingering*
Originally Posted by DeanBB
Warriors have the ability to interrupt as well, if they equip it. I did Abaddons with 4 rangers 2 monks and a warrior and all the rangers working together was awesome, interrupting everything and dropping the called targets - easiest trip thru that mission I've ever had.
My reply was not meant to say that every party needs to have a good mixture of the 6 different classes to be successful. I did Abaddons with my ranger in a party of 6 human rangers and 2 henchy monks, no one had pets, all were equipped to disrupt, and it was one of the easiest goings that I have had for the ROF missions.
But I avoid parties that have more than 2 Warriors in them. It just struck me as funny that the OP started the mission with a party with 4 Warriors, and then with 3 Monks.
Lady Lozza
Ok, the way the AoE effect works is on timing. I can't give you the exact stats on it but if you cast meteor and immediately follow it with fireball, your foes will run. If you cast fireball followed by meteor you are are safe. This is why MS is hit and miss. If it hits foes (basically) twice in a row they will flee, if it does not they will not.
Eet GnomeSmasher
It's funny to me that people are still referring to the changes to the AI as the "AOE nurf"
Malchior Devenholm
yeah, eet...i call it the improved AI...but although they're smarter-henchies aren't, last night i tried some capping and no strong guildies were on so i like "meh henchies cant b hard..."
o boy was i wrong...henchies are so dumb they stood in maelstrom AFTER THE IMPS WERE DEAD!-lina and alesia died so many times because of that
o boy was i wrong...henchies are so dumb they stood in maelstrom AFTER THE IMPS WERE DEAD!-lina and alesia died so many times because of that
Lady Lozza
I heartily agree that the henchie AI needs some MAJOR modifications
The problem with the "AoE nerf" is that I'm not entirely sure that it is a particularly accurate representation of what would happen. For instance, slaves would probably continue attacking at the orders of their masters, not flee. Some monster with protection against it would not flee because it does relatively little damage to them, and so on.
And the "nerf" isn't all that bad. Need some breathing space, time for monks to regen? Cast an AoE
The problem with the "AoE nerf" is that I'm not entirely sure that it is a particularly accurate representation of what would happen. For instance, slaves would probably continue attacking at the orders of their masters, not flee. Some monster with protection against it would not flee because it does relatively little damage to them, and so on.
And the "nerf" isn't all that bad. Need some breathing space, time for monks to regen? Cast an AoE
either was body blocked.. they just wanted to kill you faster than run.. or AI on the fritz