18 Jan 2006 at 17:41 - 3
To add a bit to what Savio said, your weapon can have both a grip and a haft. Currently, it has the zealous haft, and it doesn't look like it has a grip. If it had a grip, it would be called Zealous War Hammer of _______. So, you can both change your zealous haft, and add any grip you salvage or buy.
The typical school of thought on health vs armor upgrades is: go with armor. One way of thinking of it is that the health will only come into play if you are almost dead. It really only helps in a situation where previously, you would have been dead, you now have about 1 more hit worth of life. Of course, this is usually too little too late. The armor, however, will come into play and reduce the damage you take on every hit. Thus, it can have a greater overall effect, as it is still usefull, even if you're hovering around 2/3 max health or something.