N00b question: armours

Taz Grime

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006



It seems that armours are only buyable through NPC's, which I think is pretty dumb but whatever.

Anyway, I am currently a level 10 Warrior (post-searing), and I already bought the best armours the NPC in Ascalon has to offer. But I still see players running around with huge metallic armours.. where the hell did they got them from? are there other armour-crafters besides in Ascalon?

-a grumpy player



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


There are several cities in Guild Wars, with ofcourse, new Armor Crafters. So yes, if you move on in the game you will get to new areas, outposts and cities. You will not only get stronger and better armor but also the "huge metallic" armors, called Platemail or Knight armor.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

I live in Konglevegen


well for each city you come to there will be new armors in some of em, like yak's bend got the next one after ascalon, all-in-all with 15k and fissure i think there are around 10-12 different armor sets

Omega Complex

Omega Complex

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Arlington, TX

Some of the major cities that carry armor crafters are Yaks Bend, Lions Arch, Droknars Forge, Amnoon Oasis, Marhans Grotto, Granite Citadel, and of course, Fissure of Woe.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

yep, and the further you go in the game, the better the armor - Up to Droknar's Forge, where the best stats at lowest price is available.

The "good looking" armor is at Marhan's, the Citadel, and Fissure of Woe. - but it's expensive, especially the fissure stuff, which runs upwards of 1,000,000g in gold and materials.

Taz Grime

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006



So this is why there are so many Yak's runner proposals... heehe, thanks guys.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Omega Complex
Some of the major cities that carry armor crafters are Yaks Bend, Lions Arch, Droknars Forge, Amnoon Oasis, Marhans Grotto, Granite Citadel, and of course, Fissure of Woe.
yes. Another poster mentioned that Droks also has the best/max armor stats for the lowest price. It should also be mentioned that there are many collectors in various regions that have armor as well. The "best" collector armor can be aquired from the desert, which is also max armor.

EDIT: the yaks runs are usually a stepping stone to a beacons run which then leads to a Droks run.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Note that the armor at Yak's ins't any better per se but there are some more choices available, like the gladiators armor for warriors. Look up the armors on GWonline or GuildWiki.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Originally Posted by Burakus Lightwing
yes. Another poster mentioned that Droks also has the best/max armor stats for the lowest price. It should also be mentioned that there are many collectors in various regions that have armor as well. The "best" collector armor can be aquired from the desert, which is also max armor.
They only give you the best "basic" armor which is a great in a pinch but you get more armor choices with better mods to them over the "basic" armor you get. I found the best max collector armor (at least for ele) to be in Southern Shiverpeaks with 2nd to best in Crystal Desert.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2005

Augury Rock

[PUN] rank:5948


Yeah, like everyone said above me...

Droks = PvP armors you'd find...

...which means highest AL (armor) in game at the lowest price.
...most of these armors are the same as PvP armors
...there are a few extra armors, like Ascalon Set & Plate (not knights) for Warriors

...I currently have the collectors version from the Malguma Jungle. I'm a warrior, so it's only 71 Defense, but I'm willing to stick with that until I get enough money and materials to make 15k .

...SURE...doing runs suck with this armor level, but hey, i get about 1k every 10-20 minutes just outside of Augurgy Rock with my 20 Axe W/Mo killing Minotours and those Dragon Lizards:
...Cyclone+Penetrate+Disember+Executioner+Healing Breeze+Mending+Balthazar's Spirit+Vigorous Spirit.
...As long as you have Mend+Balth+Vig on at all times with about 5-8 Smiting, you'll be just fine, getting 1 energy after every hit taken and casting Breeze constantly
...I live pretty well, as long as no more than 4 gang up on me, and don't get blinded, knocked down, or hexed.