Monk Regeneration
I am a monk and i found a artifact that gives me +23 energy but a -1 energy regeneration. so my regeneration is only 3 I have pants and foot armor that gives me a higher regeneration. I want to know if there is any head, foot, or arm armor that will give me a better regeneration. Also if there is any weapon that can help me. Thanks
No, you'll only ever get better energy regen from skills. You don't need more energy from items, you need a better way to keep your energy up through skills. +energy -energy regen items are only useful when you're at 0 energy, at which point you switch to them for a short bit.
As far as energy regen from armour goes, the pips from pants and sandals are all there is (poor warriors don't even get this). Some skills give a temporary boost to energy regen though.
I am talking about armor and weapons that give me a +1 regeneration. Also I am monk.
No, there isn't any.
ok this is same person different but i was posting at my friends house. (videogames9090) i am just wondering about energy regeneration for monks.
just so i know u all know what im talking about i mean the aroes like (>>>>) that
on ur energy bar. if i can get any weapon or arm, chest, or head armor that will rais the aroes from (>>>) to (>>>>) i would like to know !!!
just so i know u all know what im talking about i mean the aroes like (>>>>) that
on ur energy bar. if i can get any weapon or arm, chest, or head armor that will rais the aroes from (>>>) to (>>>>) i would like to know !!!
No. For the last time, there is no item that gives energy regeneration beyond what your armor gives you.
k thx anyway!