How did Guild Wars match up to YOUR expectations?
guild wars is the best..and the new build is out.. sucks im at school
Andi DeMorte
Hey! *taps on glass* Didn't anyone read my post? I said the story line is lacking and the writers had ADD (or ADHD) too... and... and... that GW should not be called a RPG (jump on the FAG bandwagon!)... and... umm... *bites lip* I've mentioned NWN... but in another topic...
*sniffles... pouts* I guess I was just too tired to rant enough last nite... but I said as much in my disclaimer!
*stops foot and takes a temper tantrum* Well if ya'll aren't going to argue with my semi rant I'm going somewhere else to play and taking all my toys with me too! *walks off in a huff and yells over shoulder* someday you'll miss me *nods curtly*
~ Andi

*stops foot and takes a temper tantrum* Well if ya'll aren't going to argue with my semi rant I'm going somewhere else to play and taking all my toys with me too! *walks off in a huff and yells over shoulder* someday you'll miss me *nods curtly*
~ Andi
It far exceeded my expectations as far as GvG goes. I find other sides of PvP a real letdown though - Tombs is full of arrogant tossers and stupid FOTM builds, Random/Team arenas is also full of egotistical and stupid people, most of whom don't know what a Res Signet is for.
PvE I do find lacking; I love the 15k armours, I find the FoW armours extremely lacking for the time required to obatin a set. Storyline after the second time is really repetitive; PvE is extremely predictable. The only areas I really enjoy are FoW and occasonally SF.
I basically only play for GvGs now, although I do wish we had a wider variety of halls, (which I believe we are gaining a couple of new ones in Chapter 2).
PvE I do find lacking; I love the 15k armours, I find the FoW armours extremely lacking for the time required to obatin a set. Storyline after the second time is really repetitive; PvE is extremely predictable. The only areas I really enjoy are FoW and occasonally SF.
I basically only play for GvGs now, although I do wish we had a wider variety of halls, (which I believe we are gaining a couple of new ones in Chapter 2).
my humble perspective:
GW has done away with most of the things i dislike in other MMORPG's; such as grinding and kill stealing.
instanced worlds indeed maybe a double-edged sword with limits social interactions in towns and outposts, but has its benefits as well. (which i personally prefer)
on these notes, GW has met my expectations. however, i humbly feel that there are certain areas that can be improved upon.
it was actually okay at the beggining. pre-searing was supposed to be an immersive introdution into the world of tyria, and the current challenges the human kingdoms faced with the invasion of the charr.
fast forward a few missions later ...
the story leaves the charr without closure, sets off another conflict with the undead...
fast forward a few more missions ...
the story twists and turns even more without direction, swapping the undead storyarc with the mursaat. they didn't even return to the charr. it was just like adding a new set of adversaries just for the sake of variety. the way it was tied up together was an overused and predictable cliche. our valiant heroes gets fooled time and time again by the white mantle, then by the lich.
well, to be honest, very few of the latest RPGs today have great stories for me. actually, i like the older ones such as FF6 (3 in japan) and suikoden 1&2 which had depth and immersive detail when it came to the storyline. perhaps times have changed and developers spend so much time developing eye-candy that the stories get sacrified.
yes, of course many would say that GW is a pvp oriented game, hence the name "guild wars". and they can also similary say that GW is not really a RPG. however, it should be noted that they also promised, or at least wanted to create a worthy pve-equivalent content. if they planned on making the pve aspect, they should at least give it the same dedicated treatment. the half-baked parts of a whole are still noticed even if some parts are great.
pvp options
well, this one is more on my personal pvp experiences with GW.
while i'm fine and dandy with the GvG and TA modes, i have reservations about CA.
i admit that if there's one thing i would like to avoid at all costs is grouping up with complete strangers, both in pve and TA. since, as you might have already known the complications and frustrations of some random partymates.
as there are times when your guildmates are busy, CA is the only choice left.
sometimes, when you also feel the need to go solo, CA is the only choice left.
but as the same with having random partymates, it can really get frustrating at times ... ever-present leavers, l33t talkers that rush into the opposing team that get instantly killed then curses his teammates, you know how it goes.
i guess that's one reason i still prefer playing BF2, DoTA, or old-school CS when i feel the urge to play competitively. you can play them solo, with random people. even if your team isn't that great, you can still rack up kills and points on your own. i'm not saying it's not possible here; but let's face it, more often than not in CA, all it takes is one leaver for the whole group to fall. no creeps, towers, or fog of war to use as safety points or ambush spots. not much miracles in defeating 3 opponents when you're the only one left in your team either. yes, GW is supposed to be a team game, but i just personally wish they had more options for lone wolves.
i wish threre's a mode where you can't see names through walls and rocks, where your vision is limited corresponding to your avatars' position. with blind spots and chances for hiding and ambush tactics.
aside from that, GW is one of my favorite games. what it does great, it does it in spades.
just my personal two cents
GW has done away with most of the things i dislike in other MMORPG's; such as grinding and kill stealing.
instanced worlds indeed maybe a double-edged sword with limits social interactions in towns and outposts, but has its benefits as well. (which i personally prefer)
on these notes, GW has met my expectations. however, i humbly feel that there are certain areas that can be improved upon.
it was actually okay at the beggining. pre-searing was supposed to be an immersive introdution into the world of tyria, and the current challenges the human kingdoms faced with the invasion of the charr.
fast forward a few missions later ...
the story leaves the charr without closure, sets off another conflict with the undead...
fast forward a few more missions ...
the story twists and turns even more without direction, swapping the undead storyarc with the mursaat. they didn't even return to the charr. it was just like adding a new set of adversaries just for the sake of variety. the way it was tied up together was an overused and predictable cliche. our valiant heroes gets fooled time and time again by the white mantle, then by the lich.
well, to be honest, very few of the latest RPGs today have great stories for me. actually, i like the older ones such as FF6 (3 in japan) and suikoden 1&2 which had depth and immersive detail when it came to the storyline. perhaps times have changed and developers spend so much time developing eye-candy that the stories get sacrified.
yes, of course many would say that GW is a pvp oriented game, hence the name "guild wars". and they can also similary say that GW is not really a RPG. however, it should be noted that they also promised, or at least wanted to create a worthy pve-equivalent content. if they planned on making the pve aspect, they should at least give it the same dedicated treatment. the half-baked parts of a whole are still noticed even if some parts are great.
pvp options
well, this one is more on my personal pvp experiences with GW.
while i'm fine and dandy with the GvG and TA modes, i have reservations about CA.
i admit that if there's one thing i would like to avoid at all costs is grouping up with complete strangers, both in pve and TA. since, as you might have already known the complications and frustrations of some random partymates.
as there are times when your guildmates are busy, CA is the only choice left.
sometimes, when you also feel the need to go solo, CA is the only choice left.
but as the same with having random partymates, it can really get frustrating at times ... ever-present leavers, l33t talkers that rush into the opposing team that get instantly killed then curses his teammates, you know how it goes.
i guess that's one reason i still prefer playing BF2, DoTA, or old-school CS when i feel the urge to play competitively. you can play them solo, with random people. even if your team isn't that great, you can still rack up kills and points on your own. i'm not saying it's not possible here; but let's face it, more often than not in CA, all it takes is one leaver for the whole group to fall. no creeps, towers, or fog of war to use as safety points or ambush spots. not much miracles in defeating 3 opponents when you're the only one left in your team either. yes, GW is supposed to be a team game, but i just personally wish they had more options for lone wolves.
i wish threre's a mode where you can't see names through walls and rocks, where your vision is limited corresponding to your avatars' position. with blind spots and chances for hiding and ambush tactics.
aside from that, GW is one of my favorite games. what it does great, it does it in spades.
just my personal two cents

Bastard Son
Originally Posted by Andi DeMorte
I've mentioned NWN... but in another topic...
![]() |

Just to throw in my two cents: I've really enjoyed GW. Whether or not it makes a good RPG or MMORPG or CORPG or XYZ or 123 isn't the point. I've enjoyed it, feels it's been worth the 50 bucks I paid for it, and definitely has lived up to my expectations... but mostly because I knew what I was getting into before I bought it. After everything I had read about it (things discussed here and in other threads) I knew I wanted it. So, I got it... and have really enjoyed it.
Compare it to another game? Can't. It's not like any others I own, play, or have played. I could say something about how it needs more guns like Battlefield 2, but that wouldn't make sense now, would it?
I find GW meets in some and falls in others. With the amount of time I have to play, it's a great diversion. I don't care for PvP or games that force PvP into the PvE part of the game (AC2 comes to mind). I left EQ after countless years and several level 65 characters due to "sick and tired" of camp this and that to get item X just so I can stay alive in the next area. Since then, life changes have happened and I have less time to play games.
My only complaint has nothing to do with the game really but the way some people expect others (players) to build a character to compliment their character(s). This brings back the EQ horrors of "GLF X" and anyone else is just out of luck. EQ was bad about this with the Rogue class till Sony put in traps and such, but then groups HAD to have Rogues. More randomness to the generated mobs would (might) give non-cookie builds better chance to group up.
The Henchmen (I read somewhere) are getting some AI tweaks and that will help us that don't have 30 minutes to look for a group that will take a non-cookie build. -- Other than those issues, game is great and is interferring with my studying. hehe
My only complaint has nothing to do with the game really but the way some people expect others (players) to build a character to compliment their character(s). This brings back the EQ horrors of "GLF X" and anyone else is just out of luck. EQ was bad about this with the Rogue class till Sony put in traps and such, but then groups HAD to have Rogues. More randomness to the generated mobs would (might) give non-cookie builds better chance to group up.
The Henchmen (I read somewhere) are getting some AI tweaks and that will help us that don't have 30 minutes to look for a group that will take a non-cookie build. -- Other than those issues, game is great and is interferring with my studying. hehe

Originally Posted by Deathqueen
I'm going to go beyond Morrowind and say Daggerfall was the better experience of the two. .
loved it
and Arena as well
GW exceeded all expectating
GAILE/ALEX have talked themselves hoarse saying GW was designed from the start with PVE as at least equal billing as pvp.
they have said pvp will add another aspect to your game play but they have never said that their purpose is to run people through pve and then graduate to a home in pvp land
Griff Mon
I'll keep it short and sweet:
I have four ascended characters now through Thunderhead Keep all with Drok's Armour and two more in the works. Each one gives you a unique perspective on the game.
I started with a Warrior but I like my necro the best. Running a monk through gave me a perspective that I didn't have before when I only played a warrior. It was very fast going through as a monk because early on they always need you.
I enjoy helping guildies with missions because I can be what I need to be for their situation. And FoW, Tombs, GVG, and UW are areas I am still learning about and enjoying. There is still more stuff to acquire and buy for three of them and I look forward to a lot more fun with this game.
I have four ascended characters now through Thunderhead Keep all with Drok's Armour and two more in the works. Each one gives you a unique perspective on the game.
I started with a Warrior but I like my necro the best. Running a monk through gave me a perspective that I didn't have before when I only played a warrior. It was very fast going through as a monk because early on they always need you.
I enjoy helping guildies with missions because I can be what I need to be for their situation. And FoW, Tombs, GVG, and UW are areas I am still learning about and enjoying. There is still more stuff to acquire and buy for three of them and I look forward to a lot more fun with this game.
Pandora's box
Before I bought GW I read the information about the game on the official side. And I knew the devellopers were involved in develloping games like Starcraft and Diablo2. That was all information I had.
My expectations:
I expected a diablo 2 alike game in a 3D MMORPG setting, where pvp was set apart to protect the real adventurers...
I did notice that on higher levels it would be hard to solo. I expected something like: its necessay to slay an endlevelmonster in a party, just like in many other games.
I expected pvp and arena to be things to satisfy those who would otherwise enter maps to pk. A minor part of the game.
I was very curious in how GW would handle leveling and finding gear without becomming repetitive, as prommised. Never expected the 'solution' of a level cap, and low level gear only.
I'm clearly disappointed in this game. And even now when I read back the original information on Arenanet's site, I would still conclude the game should be like I expected above. Knowing the game as I do now I think Arenanet should have made more clearly that:
-GW is a game 90% based on pvp arenaplay.
-Those who like to adventure only will like it if they play with a group of friends, and needs tho be prepared to wait to play until those friends are online (rather than play with pugs).
-Soloing is really impossible (by means of going out alone and clear a map completely).
My expectations:
I expected a diablo 2 alike game in a 3D MMORPG setting, where pvp was set apart to protect the real adventurers...
I did notice that on higher levels it would be hard to solo. I expected something like: its necessay to slay an endlevelmonster in a party, just like in many other games.
I expected pvp and arena to be things to satisfy those who would otherwise enter maps to pk. A minor part of the game.
I was very curious in how GW would handle leveling and finding gear without becomming repetitive, as prommised. Never expected the 'solution' of a level cap, and low level gear only.
I'm clearly disappointed in this game. And even now when I read back the original information on Arenanet's site, I would still conclude the game should be like I expected above. Knowing the game as I do now I think Arenanet should have made more clearly that:
-GW is a game 90% based on pvp arenaplay.
-Those who like to adventure only will like it if they play with a group of friends, and needs tho be prepared to wait to play until those friends are online (rather than play with pugs).
-Soloing is really impossible (by means of going out alone and clear a map completely).
short and sweet.
it done good. i had my fun but dont want to stop here. if the fix what they say they will fix i hope to be back for more
it done good. i had my fun but dont want to stop here. if the fix what they say they will fix i hope to be back for more

Originally Posted by Pandora's box
-GW is a game 90% based on pvp arenaplay.
-Those who like to adventure only will like it if they play with a group of friends, and needs tho be prepared to wait to play until those friends are online (rather than play with pugs). -Soloing is really impossible (by means of going out alone and clear a map completely). |