Hey all, I've heard of a few ppl complaining about this but cant ever actually find a solution. Basically I love the Ranger Class but I'm losing its unique advantage as Expertise is not reducing my energy costs as it is supposed to, even with Expertise at 12 NONE of my skills cost decrease, period.
Has anyone been able to beat this bug? Cheers
Ranger Expertise Not Working
it works just fine but doesnt show anywhere.
Watch your energy bar decrease when you use the skills and you'll see that expertise is working fine.
It would be nice if it updated the skill descriptions with the cost reductions though.
Watch your energy bar decrease when you use the skills and you'll see that expertise is working fine.
It would be nice if it updated the skill descriptions with the cost reductions though.
And of course, you could just test out your skills. Kindle arrows costs 5 mana or
so, and it will only cost 1 now if you look closely...or maybe 2..
so, and it will only cost 1 now if you look closely...or maybe 2..
Argh thanx guys, yeah I guess I was asking too much for it to show me in the costs....
Wow, just wow.
It needs to show up in the skill description. As well as fast casting too.
Lady Lozza
Actually with fast casting you can generally tell from the way they cast. I do agree that in the case of expertise there needs to be some indication of the reduced energy cost.