Farming the new IWAY teams




Join Date: Aug 2005

dayton ohio


the computer teams are like the stupid mobs you farm




Join Date: Nov 2005

Noobs Just Took Halls [WTF]


I think Anet could have done a better job with the OF Ele Spikers as well...they arent very effective even with just the healer henchie.

maybe this is why ANet decided to not nerf that they could put up a team for not-so-good players to have troubles with.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ

Semper Reformanda [SeRe]

I find it humorous that every switched to ranger or a ranger secondary so they could trap the new challenges. Finally us rangers get some respect! lol. It was great to see the other team rush into a set of traps and drop like flies!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by GraceAlone
I find it humorous that every switched to ranger or a ranger secondary so they could trap the new challenges. Finally us rangers get some respect! lol. It was great to see the other team rush into a set of traps and drop like flies! why do rangers need respect lol? umm ranger spike ne1 > all

for those who have some pvp exp, would know that ranger builds from spirit spam to rspike are the ones that hold the most at any given period of this game, not to mention the fact that without "ranger skills/spirits" iway would be a bunch of retarded "not like they arent" people running around.

those who needs respect are those people that get their tigers with iway and try to join r9+ team and get shutdown.. once an iway player, always an iway player.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Phoenix, AZ

Semper Reformanda [SeRe]

Bah, must just be the impression I get then. I know that for a long time rangers were considered the lamest class in the game and it was hard getting a group. This was probably due to the other FoTM builds but you're right, rangers have been "0wn1ng" lately



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

rangers where "lame" only because to get a good ranger team going you would need vent/ts and somekind of leadership, with a few skills.. all those "retarded" people that call/called it lame was only for the fact that they cant run it themselves, they wanted a build to just get random other retarded people in 5mins and just go smash things, oh wait they do have somthing like that? -_-

iway means=noob in russian