15k armor discussion
Okay can we start to compile information on the 15k armor. Picture would be a nice addition to this topic too, so if anyone has em, post em up.
I would also like to know if all four armors, 2 at citadel, 2 at grotto are all different looking, or is it just one?
Someone told me the Virtuoso was the one for Mesmers and told me to make a pvp char to see how it looks, but it looks JUST like the performer's armor that I have. So whats the deal guys?
I would also like to know if all four armors, 2 at citadel, 2 at grotto are all different looking, or is it just one?
Someone told me the Virtuoso was the one for Mesmers and told me to make a pvp char to see how it looks, but it looks JUST like the performer's armor that I have. So whats the deal guys?
Here is a picture of the Pyromancer (Elementalest) 15K armor form Granite Citadel.
wow that just looks soo different

man that looks pretty badass

Well the Basic Elemantalest gear is no where near as cool as a Necro's armor but it better than a Mesmer's. So if you have chosen to play an Elementalest and have a spare 60K it's nice to have some kind of a visual upgrade. It's not a huge change, but it's defenitely better.
Female ranger, 15k Frostbound dyed silver.
I want to see the female Elem 15k armor, I'm curious to see how different it really is.
Anyone got pics of the armors? I'm curious myself to see the difference, if any...
Anyone got pics of the armors? I'm curious myself to see the difference, if any...
I have a Necro/Ranger so if anyone has a pic of the Necro armor it would be KILLER

A Necro guildmate bought 1 piece of the lvl 70 15K armor at Grotto (because the 15K Necro armor at Citadel is only lvl 60) and it had no visual difference. Maybe they just havent added that graphic yet so be warned, I have heard stories about other 15K armors looking the same as their cheaper counterparts. I would definitely get assurances before I spent the $$$ that your armor is visually different. Remeber that there are 3 places (that we know of) that have the 15K armor;
Granite Citadel and the Grotto (cant remeber the full name off the top of my head)- for Elementalests the 4 types of armor are split between these 2 places (Pyro, Geo, etc.), for Necros the Citadel are lvl 60 while Grotto are lvl 70. For the other professions Im not sure of anythiing.
The 3rd place is Fissueofwoe (spelling) but the additional items that are required to purchase are not normal crafting items, they are special items found just in that map or very rare items found elsewhere.
The last place that unique armor is found is in the Underworld, reports say that the armor is priced at the normal 1500g but that the armor is different visually. I dont know for sure, I have only read that info. Others claim that there is no Underworld armorer and people have the underworld confused with the fissueofwoe.
Granite Citadel and the Grotto (cant remeber the full name off the top of my head)- for Elementalests the 4 types of armor are split between these 2 places (Pyro, Geo, etc.), for Necros the Citadel are lvl 60 while Grotto are lvl 70. For the other professions Im not sure of anythiing.
The 3rd place is Fissueofwoe (spelling) but the additional items that are required to purchase are not normal crafting items, they are special items found just in that map or very rare items found elsewhere.
The last place that unique armor is found is in the Underworld, reports say that the armor is priced at the normal 1500g but that the armor is different visually. I dont know for sure, I have only read that info. Others claim that there is no Underworld armorer and people have the underworld confused with the fissueofwoe.
Stupid question but what do you mean by level 60 and level 70 armor?
I think he means the armor rate, like 60 armor and 70 armor.
Originally Posted by Yojinj
I think he means the armor rate, like 60 armor and 70 armor.
Yeah sorry... leftover habit from the last game i played for a year :P
where is the granite citadel i beat hell's precipice and i was told i shouldve had it unlocked already but idont
Citadel is North of Coppermines
Coppermines is westof Iron Mines
Bring sprint
Coppermines is westof Iron Mines
Bring sprint
Dragon X
yeah im looking for the best ranger armor. im guessing it might be this "15k" armor i hear so much about lately...
well if its that much i gotta find the place to get it and start saving up my gold.
well if its that much i gotta find the place to get it and start saving up my gold.
i tried sprinting there it is a tough sprint when i get hit by a rock i get crippled
Sorry, didn't have boots at the moment I made this pic. I may upload a full one later.
Sorry, didn't have boots at the moment I made this pic. I may upload a full one later.
Here are a couple little maps to find these places for those who dont have them opened up yet...
Marhan's Grotto
The Granite Citedal
And HERE is a link to a page with a bunch of helpfull little maps.
Marhan's Grotto
The Granite Citedal
And HERE is a link to a page with a bunch of helpfull little maps.
It just isn't worth it :P I want to look cool and all.. but I want a superior fire rune.. and those are about the same price
It just isn't worth it :P I want to look cool and all.. but I want a superior fire rune.. and those are about the same price

I think I saw the Elementalist 15K basic armor last night. It had dark blue fringe, white everywhere else, and the leggings looked like those you get from the collector in Wizard's Folly for giving him Icy Lodestones.
Anyone able to tell me? I whispered and asked about it but no reply
Really wanting to know what the elem 15k stuff is like...
Anyone able to tell me? I whispered and asked about it but no reply

There's 5 sets of 15k elemental stuff. Hydro and Pyro in Granite Citadel, Geo and Aero in Marman's Grotto. Then of course there's the even more expensive set in the underworld (which I think looks like a spiffier version of the default elementalist gear)
What do you mean by spiffier ? And how much more expansive does underworld's elem armor is ?
wish i had enough to buy that elementalist armor
Whoa whoa whoa, LVL 30 warrior? WTF? And what are these areas? I have never seen any of them before! Thunderhead Peak? Granite Citadel?
After lookin on the map for these areas on this site i noticed they weren on there they are south of Nolani and Really realy far SE from beacons perch by that body of water
Anyone know the recommended level to even attempt there cuz i wann get me self ome armo i have enough gold for a robe at least
Anyone know the recommended level to even attempt there cuz i wann get me self ome armo i have enough gold for a robe at least
Pyromancer Armor
I would really like to see the Male Elementalist geomancer armor
What is with everyone's obsession with the pyromancer set? I really don't like it that much.
What is with everyone's obsession with the pyromancer set? I really don't like it that much.
How do you get a lvl 30 character?

Because most elem use fire in PVP, better armor against fire. Not the best of looks, but best for gameplay.
What is with everyone's obsession with the pyromancer set? I really don't like it that much. |
15k geomancer, black.
It looks interesting. The horn is significantly more prominent (probably awkwardly so) on the female model as compared to the male model. Too bad the druid's set looks the same as the Forge set, though. Essentially this armour set won't be doing anything more for me than wasting 4 inventory slots. This set is undyed.
Didn't we already have a thread on this?
Mesmer Rogue's (50%):
Mesmer Noble's (tunic only):
Mesmer Rogue's (50%):
Mesmer Noble's (tunic only):
Originally Posted by Cymmina
Originally Posted by Phantium
That's actually not the only other thread about armor, but now this one is already spammed. There's no point using the other ones and we may as well stick with this one.
And why do you refer to it as spammed? Many people have asked to see the 15K armor and wanted information about it.
Originally Posted by Nim
I think becuase you cant search on the limited term "15K" we found only this thread when searching for "15K Armor". The other threads use different terms.
And why do you refer to it as spammed? Many people have asked to see the 15K armor and wanted information about it. -Nim |

By 15K armor, does this mean that it actually costs 15grand?
Is each piece 15k or is the whole set 15K? Sorry for all the noob questions im really looking for a new set of armor and im wondering if i should save up for this.
Is each piece 15k or is the whole set 15K? Sorry for all the noob questions im really looking for a new set of armor and im wondering if i should save up for this.
Adacia Calla
Each piece. With about 400 parts of materials needed.
Originally Posted by Kaeru
And for people who claims that theres no difference, ive put up this comparison between my own set, and a regular one. Ive dyed it in this picture, not because I wanted it to look different, but just because I felt like it. As you all can see by this picure the 70K ascalon is so much more detailed, that it almost looks like characters from 2 different games.
i hate to be the one that points this out; but GW doesnt render other players in the same tight resolution as it does you. the armors are identical in looks, one is you, one is another player (rendered with lower detail). go buy a set of cheapo ascalon armor from ascalon city, then compare the pics, you in the newbie armor, and you in the 70k armor.
now you will see the only diff are a few spikes. if you are happy with getting like 6 extra spikes for 70k gold, then awesome. i for one, am not.
I'm willing to pay 60k for even ONE extra spike =P
Anywayz, that 15k ascalon helm is soooo awesome, I'm going to get it for my warrior, but I'm sticking with 1.5k gladiators for the rest because I'm already broke from getting 15k hydro for my elementalist, plus gladiators doesn't look any different on the 15k.
Anywayz, that 15k ascalon helm is soooo awesome, I'm going to get it for my warrior, but I'm sticking with 1.5k gladiators for the rest because I'm already broke from getting 15k hydro for my elementalist, plus gladiators doesn't look any different on the 15k.
I've been looking for some good Ranger armor, and having trouble decidng which one to get since they took out the only good armor (Hunters).