No doubt a few people won't like this because it sort of cheapens dyes, but, I mean honestly, how much can you care about aesthetics. Personally, I just wanna see if anyone else has done this before, but, you click on say a red-dyed armor to attack only to realize it is your own teammate half a second later, or even longer, and he is on blue. Now, the reason this happens is I've become rather ingrained with the entire, no lifebars or names, it is just colors, for like UT, if you're red and I'm blue, we've got a problem, and so that is the first thing my eyes look for.
Would just be helpful I think, a bit more visual feedback as noticing a few names like on that fire isles map can become hard, blues are dark enough to blend into the ground at times, reds can be unseen against lava, and it happens just moving your eyes across it and clicking, but, if they are blue against their armor it is a bit easier.
PvP Armor Dye'ing