Given the amount of skill swapping you always do (especially for PvP back to PvE, for different areas, for different teams, etcetc), I'm amazed this isn't already in the game but...
Please consider adding some sort of skillset 'book' that you can save a set of 8 skills in, and swap them out instantly with the push of a button. This would avoid the tedium of changing skills around to a build you've already become comfortable with, from a huge list of skills (which only grows larger the longer you play the game). It would also let you gradually build up an arsenal of skill builds that could be labelled and tweaked for different aspects of play.
Bonus points if you could save attribute sets and swap them instantly (assuming you have the attribute points free to do so)
Please let us save Skill Builds
Kerus Tel Veren
Anno Domini
Pretty good idea.