What do you think of GW faction



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


Originally Posted by MarkyX
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO you, if I bought a game, I expect to play what is available to me.

Doesn't anyone else find it stupid that after so many months, the gameplay is still the same, even with the expansion out?

lol! i just had to quote that one more time.

For your information... no wait... i'm laughing to hard to explain.

good luck bro... good luck!



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

Den Haag



If I dont misunderstand the new create character screen, chapter 2 will be a stand-alone game. Will it be possible to enter chpater 2 with an excisting character or do we have to start all over? If so, then all our collected cash and items will be useless.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005



Besides the fact that playing against bots with always the exact same teams is freakin' boring, i'm certain you rake in faction faster by doing a lot of Random Arena.

I have to say though, this really is a TINY ITSY-BITSY preview!

New classes and skills? Yeah right, nothing to go "WoW!" from, there's practically nothing new, just tweaked versions of other skills and classes.
New pvp modes? Uhhh, i'd like to know what the big freakin' difference between playing annihilation with and without obelisk/priest is! Nothing!
Is it really so hard to come up with new modes? Gimme an hour and i can think of a full fledged game concept for ya, and given there's more then 1 person at Anet(i think....) they ought to be able to do better.

This preview is bull****, if you will. They haven't come up with anything brand new and worse yet(for Anet) all the sweet cursin' teenagers which are now polluting the pvp zones all say the game is crap, why?
They have to match up to pro players who've been doing this for over half a year and i very much doubt they'll get much experience from the bot killing fest and neither can they play the OC/factions campaign, so if Anet wanted to give us:
Something new and exicting: Failed!
The opportunity to see and experience the "greatness" of GW and potentially have new people buy it themselves: Failed!

I'm not very good at math, so you go ahead and think of what that makes.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

I have to agree, this preview hasn't shown much to get excited about. I'm sure they'll do a good job with chapter 2 though.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005


true, but who ever said that this preview was sapposed to be huge? all its for is to have a chance to expierement with some new pvp styles = ACCOMPLISHED, and to pvp with the two new character classes = ACCOMPLISHED.



Forge Runner

Join Date: May 2005

The Infinite Representation Of Pie And Its Many Brilliances

Well, I'll be honest I am a little disappointed. I was more excited for my santa hat than I am about these two new classes. Personally I don't like the feel of either of them, but I'm sure that's just because I don't have all their skills unlocked and what not.

Aside from the two new classes there's not really much to get excited about. Honestly I was hoping they'd give us a weekend playing a new STYLE of PvP that they'll have in factions. I don't know about you, but I'd be insanely pleased if I got to spend my weekend fighting a massive PvP war style battle as opposed to more and more of these damn arenas...

The event is basically this: Two new mediocre classes at best, with a "play for ten minutes then go back to your old character" sort of feel. Other than that we now get to fight four henchmen instead of real people, oh joy.

...I guess it's alright, but I think they could've just made it an update or something. Not like this is really an "event". I'm like..."Yahoo...ok back to do that mission with my mesmer." I was really, really hoping we'd get to preview an entire new style PvP, you know like maybe take part in the faction WAR for two days or something. I don't know about you, but fighting a war with new classes running around everyone killing eachother for two days straight in an open enviornment seemed pretty awesome to me. Instead I find myself beating the same damn henchmen over and over.

Either way I'm still excited for factions, while this event might be a dissapointment for me, I still think they'll introduce some new styles for PvP and PvE that I'll really enjoy in the upcoming chapter. I couldn't care less about these two new classes or the "battle isles", which are pretty much the "the PvP bits of Tyria floated away" isles, but the new PvE and the new STYLES of PvP assuming we see some, should be wonderful.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by MarkyX
RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO you, if I bought a game, I expect to play what is available to me.

Doesn't anyone else find it stupid that after so many months, the gameplay is still the same, even with the expansion out?
This is not he expansion, nor is it even the tip of the ice berg of what is to come. I really don't see how you can jump to such conclusions in a Very small Contained Preview and I stress PREIVEW event.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by aeroclown
This is not he expansion, nor is it even the tip of the ice berg of what is to come. I really don't see how you can jump to such conclusions in a Very small Contained Preview and I stress PREIVEW event.
It's a preivew, it's supposed to be advertisement for the game. Otherwise, it wouldn't be available for EVERYONE.

And so far, the content is good, but it's the community that is the problem. Sad part is Anet can easily fix this.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by PieXags
I don't know about you, but fighting a war with new classes running around everyone killing eachother for two days straight in an open enviornment seemed pretty awesome to me. .
even the retail release will not have anything like this.

there will be bigger arena fights which will help decide control of areas but a wide open instanced gank fest is a contridiction in and of itself.

this will be a war based on squad size combat at best with maybe 2-3 8 man squads on a side in designated areas (arenas by any other name)

my opinion

i am waiting for the PVE PEEK


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

this will be a war based on squad size combat at best with maybe 2-3 8 man squads on a side in designated areas (arenas by any other name)
All filled with IWAY. PHUN!


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by MarkyX

And so far, the content is good, but it's the community that is the problem. Sad part is Anet can easily fix this.
this is wonderful



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Loviatar
this is wonderful

By nerfing the overpowered skills that everyone uses so people can focus on making their own builds instead of conforming to others?

I don't know about you, but one of the reasons why I left in the first place is because I didn't like spamming "LFG" for over 30 minutes. Any game that takes you more then 5 or 10 minutes to setup has bad game design.

I should be able ot get random 8 people, 3 healers + 5 whatever, and go in and have fun.

Instead, we have a game which is forcing people to follow a certain template, making the game dull and really boring. There is hundreds of skills in this game, but people only want to play 4 or 5 specific classes.

Hoorah for 3D facism online.

EDIT: Get rid of rank. That would help a lot concerning newcomers and veterans. All it does is create a barrier.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


Originally Posted by Loviatar
i am waiting for the PVE PEEK
Yes, yes, and yes again 1,000 times! I wasn't around for the onset of the "original" Guild Wars (can we start calling it that now? ) but I believe that they did a PvE thingamawhuts before the PvP free for all weekend?

Anyway, I digress: the point I wanted to make to all the nay-sayers of the new classes is, at least from my perspective, a little off base. I started where most start, in PvE ... played a class through at least the desert and ascended before I started another ... got to get the "feel" for it, arrange skills and such as I liked, gain new skills, experiment, and so on ... really got to know the strengths and weaknesses of the class as time went on. The problem with the (otherwise wonderful) PvP weekend is that WHOOSH they just threw 100 (200? 300? I haven't counted) skills at you all at once!

Here, learn these skills really quick and go out there with a perfect build and kick some ass, oh, and get faction like crazy to unlock stuff if you want more flexibility than the pre-made characters provide Come on! It's a preview! be happy you can look at shiny new classes and armor, and just go have fun!

**Disclaimer** opinion in next paragraph, don't be afraid

Anyone out there saying "ooh, the x new class is overpowered" or "the y class is underpowered!", this message is for you: unless you worked in development and beta testing of these classes, and have been testing them for months, you have less than 24 hours of playtime with them at this point; and are therefore in *NO* position to make assesments of their relative skill or lack thereof.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Originally Posted by Lord Iowerth
Yes, yes, and yes again 1,000 times! I wasn't around for the onset of the "original" Guild Wars (can we start calling it that now? ) but I believe that they did a PvE thingamawhuts before the PvP free for all weekend?
It was strange, in the very 1st Beta event, everyone started in some wierd burnt up place simular to post-searing Ascalon which no longer exists, ANYWHERE. Also, in the 1st 1 or 2 events we could gather skill crystals and temporarily use a skill from another profession.
...heh, that was pretty off-topic.

Brother Foon Sped

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2005

Just wantted to say that I am dissappointed with the guildwars beta. BUT only with the amount of factions content that was included. I was hoping to be able to choose from the whole list of skills from the two new classes or to explore new pve lands.

As it is you can only pick a premade with a handful of skills and unlock the others through faction. Or you can visit a new "underworld" location.

Now this "new" underworld might be my only criticism for the actual content that was presented.
Rather than actually designing a new area. They just took maps from the tombs pvp area and put monsters in them. And the drops, at least from my first run were terrible.

On a side note. I've never thought the aspect of farming to be so horrible that anet needs to make the drop rate absolutely horrific for the casual player.

Anyway thats my take on the factions Beta. i look forward to having two new classes to choose from. At which time I'll make two new pve characters each as a primary Ritualist and Assasin and level them to 20. Then I'll PvP to get the rest of the skills for PvP purposes.