Shiverpeak Key


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006



Im sorry if this was already posted, but i can t use any of the search functions

Where is the chest for the 600g Shiverpeak key???

I bought the key in beacons, but i cant find the chest!

Can someone help me please





Join Date: May 2005


Chest's are randomly placed in Explorable area's as well as mission's. So no-one can tell you "where" one is.. just wonder around and you'll find one eventually.

As for the key's in Beacon's.. does that apply to northern or southern shiverpeaks? @ 600 gold I think northern (heh, as you can see I'm not one to try out key's very much.. hehehe!)

Ninjutsu Honor Code

Ninjutsu Honor Code

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Sidon, Order of Assasins


The shiverkeys are for boxes found deeper in the shiverpeak mountains mostly in areas with lvl 20 or higher creatures.

Evil Hypnotist

Evil Hypnotist

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

I Dragon I [PAIN]

Also, if you hold Alt while wandering around any chests within range will be shown up



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Pwn Appetit [NJoy]


I am guessing that you have a somewhat low level character and unfortunately beacons perch has access to both low level content and high level content depending on which exit you take. If you go out Deldrimore bowl you are in the Northern Shiverpeaks, where no shiverpeaks chests exist. If you go out the Lornars exit, you will find some shiverpeaks chests, but you will not be able to get to them because of the powerful monsters out there. Just hang on to that key, later in the game you will spend a lot of time in the southern shiverpeaks where you will find the correct chests.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2006


Thank you very much for the aswers

Yes im low level to go for that area (im level 17), i tried before with the hechs but i died