OK. So, we have all talked about Guild Hall upgrades, additions, etc. Many great ideas have passed through the forums; some not so great. Still, I urge you to contemplate a new concept for GvG strategy development and assertion.
When you start a GvG battle, you know it is either going to be your Guild Hall being used or the hall of the adjacent party. For the idea I'm about to entertain, I must point out that the only change that would need to be made would be the process in which GvG battles are initiated. To expound, here is an example:
Guild A says, "Let's do a GvG battle..." and furthermore, "...and let's do it against our sworn enemy guild, The War Machine!" What happens at this point is Guild A challenges Guild B to a "duel", or an impromptu battle. Guild B has the opportunity, of course, to accept or deny this request to battle. Still if they accept, both guilds are given the opportunity to rearrange, or strategically rebuild their map. One or both guilds might have already setup what they think is the most strategic placements in their maps so the next step would commence.
Part 2 of the battle initialization would be that each guild would then send who they considered their best fighter into a 1v1 battle to decide which guild hall map is used.
Now, to delve deeper into the pre-battle customization...
With the flag aside, all other points of interest and objects like buildings, trebuches, starting points, etc could be moved to the spot of the guilds choosing. Ultimately, it is like real life where if you were an entity in the world, you could create your battlefield if someone were attacking or visa-versa. There really is not much else to say here but the fact that this would open many more strategic possibilities.
GvG Pre-Battle Customization
1v1 isn't very balance, maybe each guild has to play on the other teams map or something, but making i rely on the outcome of a 1v1 fight wouldn't work out too well.
As for the rest, I like the idea.
As for the rest, I like the idea.
Originally Posted by drowningfish999
1v1 isn't very balance, maybe each guild has to play on the other teams map or something, but making i rely on the outcome of a 1v1 fight wouldn't work out too well.
As for the rest, I like the idea. |
It wouldn't break my heart that bad if that part was not implimented but at least the idea that you could strategically setup your Guild Hall for battles.
Originally Posted by ioxon
If each team send in their best and the other does the same, the game is balanced enough in general to make it just as fair for either person and doing that 1v1 makes it a fair way for deciding who's guild hall is used in the GvG battle.
Best in taking down warriors?
Best in taking down monks?
Best in running around in circles while dancing macarena?
Best in /flexing and /drinking tea at the same time?
There is a counter for every build, so you'll be just playing paper, scissors & stone by sending peeps to 1vs1 battle, unless you know who your opponent will send.. Which wouldn't make it really balanced either.
1v1 isn't balanced. Mesmers beat Monks. Necromancers beat Warriors. Rangers beat Elementalists. Like Kaguya says, it's rock, paper, scissors. The winner will be decided almost randomly.
I might just have to add this. 1v1 is definately NOT balanced. Since this is a TEAM-ORIENTED GAME, you will not see any form of 1v1 unless it occurs when all the other players are dead and the 2 remaining do not have a usable res-sig (this has happened to me before, and I've won
Anyways, you also will definately not see any form of rebuilding of the map. Why? Because some guild will find a way to edit the map in such a way that the other guild will not be able to win. There are some serious balancing issues that will occur if people are able to edit anything like that in this game.
I'd rather let ANet focus on important things like, Chapter 2, and skill balancing, as well as other new content than some bland ideas that won't work because the negatives definately outweigh the postives.
/rant, but I still think you're cool.. I'm just voicing my opinion in my own way. :\

Anyways, you also will definately not see any form of rebuilding of the map. Why? Because some guild will find a way to edit the map in such a way that the other guild will not be able to win. There are some serious balancing issues that will occur if people are able to edit anything like that in this game.
I'd rather let ANet focus on important things like, Chapter 2, and skill balancing, as well as other new content than some bland ideas that won't work because the negatives definately outweigh the postives.
/rant, but I still think you're cool.. I'm just voicing my opinion in my own way. :\
It is set up so that the lower ranked guild gets the home base advantage, and I'd like to see it kept that way, even in an unranked game like you might be suggesting. It might make it more fun, but the room for exploitation/griefing is huge, if a 1v1 battle is a precursor to a GvG.