I was thinking, organisation in GvG could be easier if there was a box you could open in the Guild Hall that showed everyone's skill set and the damage, length of their skills based on their current attributes. In GvG because of the strong teamwork required this could maybe help people that don't have time (or can't be bothered) having everyone say their build in vent or TS, or worse, type it out.
If people have a problem with people 'stealing' their build then maybe include an option, or even have a trade like window opening with a message such as
"[Insert Name Here] would like to view your skill bar Accept/ Decline"
Although as most people doing GvG should know each other okay I can't see secrecy as being a problem.
I would maybe consider the same idea for tombs, so you know the person you've picked up isn't using bizzare skill sets, but then because the people may not know each other as well as I imagine most guilds are this could lead to insults and not letting people in a group just because of a disagreement with a build that they may not have much experience with.
Any opinions on this idea? I'd like some feedback, it appeals to me because I've only been in one guild and the majority of members in it I know personally, and we usually spend a bit of time going through everyone's skillset and making sure they complement each other. Although I can accept that maybe not all people would agree with this.
Questions/ comments?
Seeing your teammates skills in GvG before the battle?
Robster Lobster
This would be good -- One time I was taking my guild on a gvg run and one guy was really impatient. I told him what to do, what skills to take, said "do you have that?".
"ok lets go"
We get on and of course this guy doesn't have the right skills
"ok lets go"
We get on and of course this guy doesn't have the right skills