I think a less drastic addition to Guild Wars would be to have more kinds of traders. We currently have two, the heavy materials trader and the dye trader (plus the siegel trader). Each get a price that depend on supply and demand.
To that, we could add a trader for identified items, and a trader for unidentified items. Each trader would divide items into broad classes (bows, swords, etc) and common, magic, rare or ultra rare. If you buy, you get a random item previously sold to the trader, within the category. If you sell, you get the market price for the relevant category.
An auction house would create a perfect market. This would simply create an alternative to the spam marked for the impatient.
Traders instead of an auction house
The traders will never prevent spam. This is because the sell price is higher than the buy price (and significantly so) which means that anyone selling can make more by selling to the public, and anyone buying can buy cheaper from the public. That = spam.
Adding more "specialised" traders would be good, yes I will say.
However the only long-term solution is getting a Auction house, here is no other way around this.
The spam is annoying and has to come to a stop.
However the only long-term solution is getting a Auction house, here is no other way around this.
The spam is annoying and has to come to a stop.