I've seen someone say that there's no surefire way to shutdown a warrior. Well, here's a surefire way to shutdown 3 warriors or rangers.
Attributes: fast casting, inspiration, lightening
Lightening Strike - general nuking purposes
ennervating charge - "icing on the cake" physical weakening
Blinding flash - Virtually eliminate a warrior or rangers dps
Spirit of Failure - Combined with blind, your energy will be at full at almost all times.
Power Drain - interrupt, obvious uses, also helps get energy if your victims aren't attacking enough.
Ether Feast - ...
Mantra of Recovery - Gives you the cooldown necessary to nuke effectively and shutdown more than two characters.
Here's the strategy: Before the battle, inform your team to completely ignore all warriors and rangers, up to a max of 3. Cast mantra of recovery during the initial push, and spirit of failure each victim. As each one reaches their target, blind them. Cycle between them, casting blind and enervating charge as neccessary, and renewing spirit of failure.
Cast mantra of recovery every time you start falling behind. Thankfully, it will always be renewed just when that starts happening. Also cast power drain at the nearby casters every time it cools down, which will be often with mantra of recovery.
Use lightening strike and ennervating charge to help your party finish off low health players, and use ether feast when that pesky elementalist catches wind of your annoying tactics.
Mantra of recovery is what really brings this together, and for those wondering, you grab it from the very first boss in the thirsty river mission, and you can't see him casting it. Without mantra though, this build is still effective for shutting down 1 warrior, and another about half the time. I'd recommend taking leach signet in place of it, to enhance this builds pitiful antielementalist ablities.
Mes/E phys shutdown build