Awsome Assassin Glitch! Involving fellblades! [Movie]
This is what I want the assasin to look like while wielding a sword, especially a cool sword such as the fellblade. I really hope that the animators at Anet will make this as the actual running animation of an assassin with a sword, instead of the old and pretty dull upright "running-into-battle-like-were-my-balls-frozen" kind of animation. So anyways, its my first movie so dont hit me in the head with a foehammer just yet.
Isent it awsome!? I mean like, holy ****, you look like a nightmare storming into battle like that!
Isent it awsome!? I mean like, holy ****, you look like a nightmare storming into battle like that!
lol, not bad
happens to every weapon btw, if you switch from one type to another you keep the old motion for a while (one handed hammers for example )
happens to every weapon btw, if you switch from one type to another you keep the old motion for a while (one handed hammers for example )
Awsome indded! Ill have to give it a try!
I agree that shouldnt be a glitch that run style is classic, ive seen it in many an anime
Ichabod The Ranger
That's hilarious
I tried that one handed hammer trick and that worked for me lol. Now to do the one you did.....
I tried that one handed hammer trick and that worked for me lol. Now to do the one you did.....
The link doesnt work cant you please put a permanent picture plz
i prefer to have a character switch from a sword or staff to a hammer
Looks like Cloud running with his bustersword
better get your fellblade off your assassain.
unless there staying. xD
and maybe use sprint? so you dont have to start all over again. lol.
unless there staying. xD
and maybe use sprint? so you dont have to start all over again. lol.
Here is the picture, but the link of the movie should work.. :/
I gave it a try, but I didn't have to that "trick" described in your video. I just equipped the Fellblade and ran.
Yay, Bleach!
Thats odd, I tried to do the same thing when I made the movie... and it didnt work. (as you see in the begining when the "Masters of Wind" throw the windborne speed spell on me)
Maybe they really did implant this! Woo!
Maybe they really did implant this! Woo!
reminds me of anime movies with warriors and ninjas running with their swords held like that.
actually, what i really want to see is an option to hold a sword inverted and run like the ninja birds (caromi and avicara tengu). THAT is how ninjas really held their swords when moving.
Murder In China
^ Agreed!
actually running with the sword pointed away or back is for practical reason.
Running with the sword pointed forward through the forest or thick brush would end up the sword getting entangled or caught in something.
There is also a kendo stance called Waki no Kamae or "hidden guard" which is similar.
Running with the sword pointed forward through the forest or thick brush would end up the sword getting entangled or caught in something.
There is also a kendo stance called Waki no Kamae or "hidden guard" which is similar.
Well, the male characters could hold the sword in one way and the female could hold it another.
aww, you dedicated the video to GWOnline... =( why not GWG? GWG FTW!!