M E A T B A L L/ Jenna Ranger
Sweet Juliet
I wanted to congratz Meatball on his rank 12 emote.. so i thought i would make my own Thread for him.. I took this pic of me and him in HTR's guild hall. I thought is was a good pic of the rank 12 and of me and him.. here it is.. hope you all like it.. Gratz again Jenna <3
*sniff* *sniff*
why is everyone dual posting?
this is a second topic of the rank 12 emote of Meatball
this is a second topic of the rank 12 emote of Meatball
Dracus Steelbow
you know MEATBALL is really great, but he kind of ruined my dream...lol. i was hoping to be known one day world-round on GW, by getting the first rk12. honeslty, i havent even begun to get rank :P but anyways...