I'd love to see a Green weapon trader similar to the dye trader, material trader, rune trader, etc.
Since green items are what they are (no upgrading, etc.), I think a trader would work great. True this would make the max amount you could get for a green item 100k, but c'mon, 100k is a lot! I know I personally would sell and buy from the trader often!
Another possible trader would be a Perfect Upgrade trader. Perhaps we could have a trader who only deals in perfect upgrades?? (20% enchant, insightful +5 energy, etc.)
I know many people love participating in the trade market. I enjoy it too, but it depends so much on time of day, day of week, status of game, pms cycles -- Any npc's that help would be gladly welcomed in my book!
Green Weapon Trader
The Mask
Thats an interesting idea, I like the thought of no searching towns for a fair price on a certain item. In addtion to that it would be nice to have more gold sinks.
However I am against this. I dont have a good reason to support my opinion other than, I dont want something I put alot of time into getting to become easily accessable. I think these items should stay the way they are simply because they are perfect, and it gives a player something to strive for. There is a certain level of skill involved in actually farming these, which makes them that much more rewarding.
In summary, the nicer the item the harder it should be to attain, otherwise if anythings easy to get and there would be even less of a reason to play pve. The most expensive armor is harder to get to then the rest. I dont think perfect weapons should be any different.
However I am against this. I dont have a good reason to support my opinion other than, I dont want something I put alot of time into getting to become easily accessable. I think these items should stay the way they are simply because they are perfect, and it gives a player something to strive for. There is a certain level of skill involved in actually farming these, which makes them that much more rewarding.
In summary, the nicer the item the harder it should be to attain, otherwise if anythings easy to get and there would be even less of a reason to play pve. The most expensive armor is harder to get to then the rest. I dont think perfect weapons should be any different.
You missed the whole point of having greens. They are there so that casual players can have a shot at getting perfect weapons. Anet wants their number to increase so that the prices are dropped further and they become very very common. Adding a trader that takes out Greens from the market would make their numbers drop. It will also open one more avenue for Botters to farm and get a fixed amount of gold for X number of hours spent, forcing Anet to nerf even Greens.
I understand that a Weapon Mod Trader is on the way, so you'll be able to make your own greens at home (minus inherent effects and tasty skins).