Right now im surviving on a ATI Radeon 9600 128mb AIW. I decided that I'm going to upgrade to a newer 64bit processor (AMD) and a motherboard (probably ASUS or MSI) that's PCI Express compatable. I recently went to Comp USA with my friends and found this video card for $200. 512mb video card..sounds sweet but I'd like to have some feedback before i go pick one up.
Vision Tek x1300 Video Card -Good Buy Yes or No?
Tsunami Rain
Good choice between the MoBo's Great decision on going with the AMD 64bit processors...get the Dual can game and run everything else in the background without a hitch
. I don't know much about video cards but I do know that Vision Tek cards are not worth it whatsoever...then again I don't know much about video cards. I normally buy everything from newegg since they are almost always cheaper and they have tons of product reviews.

Old Dood
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rain
Right now im surviving on a ATI Radeon 9600 128mb AIW. I decided that I'm going to upgrade to a newer 64bit processor (AMD) and a motherboard (probably ASUS or MSI) that's PCI Express compatable. I recently went to Comp USA with my friends and found this video card for $200. 512mb video card..sounds sweet but I'd like to have some feedback before i go pick one up. |
My X800XL PCIe w/256 Mb will smoke that card. So will the 6800GT PCIe w/256Mb. The extra ram on that card will do you no good.
Tsunami Rain
k thanks for the input guys
ill go with the x800xl probably (i favor ati cards for some odd reason)

$200 for that piece of garbage? Ugh! Now I remember why I don't shop at CompostUSA or Worst Buy anymore. Not only can you buy one for under $150 online all day any day, but that card's GPU isn't even powerful enough to be served by 256MB of memory, much less 512.
A low-end card with that much RAM is just using the memory amount as a selling point, to screw people stuck in the "more is better" mindset. Unless you're driving a huge monitor at maxed out AA and AF levels, you won't need more that 256MB in a video card. Otherwise, review after review after review shows that the performance difference between 256 and 512MB on a video card is moot. Just as Old Dood said, you can get much better for your money.
And buy it online! Check out Newegg for starters. Dang retail stores suck. Sheesh, the money people could save... I order all my parts online, I'm patient enough to wait a few days for shipping if it's gonna save me hundreds of dollars in the long run.
A low-end card with that much RAM is just using the memory amount as a selling point, to screw people stuck in the "more is better" mindset. Unless you're driving a huge monitor at maxed out AA and AF levels, you won't need more that 256MB in a video card. Otherwise, review after review after review shows that the performance difference between 256 and 512MB on a video card is moot. Just as Old Dood said, you can get much better for your money.
And buy it online! Check out Newegg for starters. Dang retail stores suck. Sheesh, the money people could save... I order all my parts online, I'm patient enough to wait a few days for shipping if it's gonna save me hundreds of dollars in the long run.
Tsunami Rain
yeah i normally buy from newegg, svc, etc. but my friend pointed out this graphics card to me and i went "wtf" so i thought id check it out.
Originally Posted by Tsunami Rain
i favor ati cards for some odd reason)

I would suggest the X1600 for you