I like to make a character with a certain desired height, one that would reflect somebody in real life, such as a certain Boxer for example.
But the height indicator at the character creation is so abstract, I don’t even know where the arrow is pointing is at what feel, or centimetres.
Does anyone have a rough clued how the unit, or the measurement of the rule/guide on the right?
Visual Height Indicator at Character Creation
I seem to have to same problem. I would like to know where the arrow points at. The new Height system is an improvement, but it would be great if you could read how tall you are in centimeters or some Tyria/Cantha measure system.
It's not that I don't like the game without a good indication of how tall my charac is, but it's funny to know his/her height.
It's not that I don't like the game without a good indication of how tall my charac is, but it's funny to know his/her height.
Evil Hypnotist
I feel many other people have had this problem, looking at the average height of people in outposts they either seem to be 6' 10" or 4' 5"
i just want an option to change my height, i'm still growing. or shrinking.
that goes with face and hair too =D
that goes with face and hair too =D
Originally Posted by ange1
i just want an option to change my height, i'm still growing. or shrinking.
perfect match there